Effective Ways Of Finding Peace In Troubled Times

By Jana Serrano

Stress can lead to depression. It can result to poor health, unstable decisions and an unhappy life. Such condition can last a lifetime especially if you fail to acknowledge it immediately. Assess yourself and determine the source of your discontentment. Accept and face the consequences in order to reverse its effects. Stay calm. Finding peace in troubled times is not easy but you have to remain composed to derive a sound solution.

It is human to feel angry, disappointed or confused however this does not give you a license to attack someone violently or hurt yourself. Take a deep breathe. Always think of happy thoughts. Walk away if you find the conversation nonsensical. Find something better to do than feel regretful after confrontations.

Choose your companion when under pressure. Select a few that completely understands your situation. Try to avoid acquaintances who can only provide temporary solutions to your dilemma. You need someone who can bring out your best and correct you when your wrong. Having such support group will keep you from harming yourself and worsening that situation.

Improve yourself. Challenge your limits. Find a good distraction that will turn you into a better individual. Engage in ecological activities or outreach programs to enlighten you. Climb a mountain or tour the country to see the beauty of life. Life is rewarding depending on how you see it. Just imagine how others survive the same dilemma. You will never realize how blessed you are until you are faced with people who never complains about their situation.

Aim to stay fit when you feel flustered. Remember that disorientation and dejection worsens when the body is under nourished. Enroll yourself in fitness class or simply jog 5 kilometers for an hour to release those unwanted emotions. Also observe eight hours sleep and enough rest to keep your body relax. Avoid staying idle. Stay away from drinking sprees, drug dependency or overeating. Loneliness will not kill you unless you resort to unhealthy living. Surely you would want to see reap better rewards when the turmoil is over.

Give yourself 15 minutes to meditate per day. Use this to contemplate on what happened to derive a useful solution and release tension. Seek divine intervention, if needed. Recharging your faith may help you see things in a better light and remind you the value of inner peace.

The tongue can program your brain. Only use affirmative words to attract positive vibes. Practice what you preach to attain a can do attitude. Claim prosperity, good health and better relationships but stay realistic. Gather all the negative inputs as a guide and convert it into something positive. Evidently you cannot fix anything that is not broken.

Do not let criticism demoralize you. Take its lesson and use it to enhance yourself. People would always have something to say although they have no idea what it is all about. Better reserve that anger or depression for something more productive. Hold your temper and spare yourself from shameful acts. Just move on.

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