In Search Of What Inspires Planning

By Kim Warrior

Something that makes you want to do something or gives you an idea about what to do or create. This is what is referred to as inspiration. It is what drives you in other words your motivation. It is what influences you into doing an activity and keeps you going to the very logical end of the activity.

On the other hand, planning involves coming up with a set of related activities all meant towards achieving a desired objective. It is conducted while keeping in mind a desired goal. This serves to regularly remind the planner of the activities he committed to do in his future as he goes about his routine.

True warriors plan. But where is the motivation drawn from? A number of motivators exist and they include; the contentment and happiness derived from the activity. Having awareness of such benefits and the ability of an individual to take control of his life and schedule, true warriors will always plan.

This is a fact that is known even by our athletes as can be seen from the hours of training they put in before a competition. One just has to look at Mo Farah, a world and Olympic champion to realize this. The planning he undertakes is immense running for months including training in Kenya because of the high altitude. All this in preparation for a 2-3 hour event but it surely does boost his performance to champion status.

As warriors then, our activities should be in such a manner that there is always a plan in them. That we are forever moving and working to a desired goal. Our drive should be the completion of these goals as well as the improved performance our plan promises should we implement it. In so doing, we shall have become both true warriors and champions as well living happier more fruitful lives as a result.

Communication is also significant to a warrior plan. Letting those close to you know of your plans and those that will be affected by them, whether it is your spouse, business partner, team mate etc. Is an absolutely important task. More so it has an impact in pushing you to stick to your plans as others now know of it and they will be expecting you to do so. To make you plans known to these close circle also shows that you love them enough to include them in your plans. They will love you more for it.

As you plan also, do have proper knowledge of your objectives. This will give you enough stimuli to keep tracking your activities and actions over time. This to ensure that they remain aligned to your plan. With this constant review, it will be hard for your goals not to be met. With all this in mind, an intelligent plan is bound to be the result and with it the spirit to plan.

Last but not least, are emotions. They are another motivating factor that should encourage us to do so. The expectations we have, joy, sadness, happiness etc. Will all influence our planning. Imagine for a second, your future, what do you expect? What more can you achieve should you work harder for it? Your expectations must be building up already. Now imagine what would occur if you decided not to work harder and plan? Not a chance right?

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