Information About Sex Addiction Counseling Palm Springs Ca

By Olivia Cross

People can be addicted to all sorts of things, such food, drugs and alcohol. Sex is also addictive. This can create various problems in the life and general health of the person. There are various methods for treating this, including sex addiction counseling palm springs ca.

With this type of disorder, the person is so preoccupied with sexual thoughts or behaviors that other parts of their life suffer, such as work and family life. This behavior often manifests itself in destructive patterns, such as having multiple affairs and one-night stands that undermine close relationships. The sufferer often has frequent contact with prostitutes, and may view pornography too much. They may also take part in excessive masturbation or dangerous acts that can hurt themselves or others, such as making obscene phone calls and answering personal ads from strangers.

This sort of addiction also includes fetishes, which is being aroused by specific objects or body parts. The sufferer may also take part in voyeurism, which is being aroused by watching the sexual acts of others, or exhibitionism, which is having others view their sexual acts. Sometimes they may also become involved with pedophilia, which is being arousal by having sexual contact with children.

The health-care professional will also work to distinguish the sexual addiction from other medical conditions that may cause similar symptoms. These conditions include seizures, dementia, tumors, or injuries to certain parts of the brain, like the frontal lobe. These conditions can also affect behavior.

There is no one factor which is thought to cause these addictions. However, doctors in palm springs ca believe that are many biological and psychological factors that may contribute to it developing. Some researchers think it may be due to changes in areas and chemicals of the brain which fuel the compulsion. There is still ongoing research as to whether this behavior is gender-specific.

There are many methods doctors prescribe to treat the disorder. Antidepressants or antiseizure medication may be used to decrease hormones, especially in males. These drugs can help to decrease compulsive urges so that the sufferer feels more in control of his or her behavior.

Mood stabilizers are sometimes prescribed by doctors in palm springs ca for these addictions, as they may help to decrease impulsive behaviors and lead to greater self-control. The side effects are similar to what other drugs can cause, and will generally vary depending on the type of medication that is being prescribed for the patient. If you begin to experience severe side effects, such as palpitations, fever or allergic reactions, you should report this to your doctor.

It is also not uncommon for them to continue the behavior despite suffering various problems because of it. There is not a single test which can absolutely indicate that someone is a sex addict. Making that determination involves a series of tests by a psychiatrist, doctor or social worker. These medical exams will normally include various lab tests to evaluate the general health of the person and identify any medical conditions that might affect their mental health.

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