Discovering Holistic Aspects Of Reiki Tarot Cards

By Olivia Cross

Psychic readings have been a part of our universe for quite some time. So too, the holistic healing art known as reiki. Now comes, reiki tarot cards and readings, a process by which readers invoke the universal life force into a deck before each reading.

The marriage of these two holistic arts is an interesting idea. Those whom practice on a regular basis have now discovered that using the universal life energy, ki, or chi as known in different areas can be invoked to help aid in even better readings. Individuals obtaining these readings often also report having a greater understanding of the imagery, symbols and wording used on different decks of cards.

Those familiar with reiki know that there are three levels required to complete training and perform attunements on others. The first two are basic levels, with the third providing master level credentials in this holistic art. When it comes to combining these two art forms, it is often advised that readers complete the first two levels.

While often referred to as holistic medicine, reiki is actually a more spiritual centered healing practice. While often centered in such realms, there are generally no ties between these holistic art forms and organized religion. Although, there are those who do see obtaining regular readings or treatments part of a spiritual path.

The art still offers a great number of health benefits even beyond comforting and healing. The practice has been quite helpful in treating anxiety, stress and a number of different conditions. Two of the most common areas in which Reiki is used in healing is with back pain, and digestion.

Sometimes referred to as part of the holistic medical field, reiki is actually a spiritual though not religious based practice. Individuals providing psychic readings whom are familiar with the healing aspects of the practice can invoke aspects of the ki, or, chi, also known as universal life energy in conjunction with readings.

While there are a number of health benefits, one of the biggest areas in which the practice is beneficial is in treating stress and anxiety. Both of which can be calmed almost immediately during a session. While this is the case, there are also a number of other conditions and illnesses in which the healing art has proved beneficial over the years.

While the holistic healing art has at times been tied to religion and translated as knowledge and spirit, practitioners need to be cautious in using these terms. As the art is often considered a holistic practice, there may be some churches and religious organizations who frown on the practice while others may be happy to rent out space.

Ultimately, it is a healing art that when combined with tarot can offer individuals more accurate, timely and unique readings. Those using the art in conjunction with tarot often find that cleansing a deck and invoking positive energies before a reading can help provide better results. While attunements can be provided by one who is a master, a license in massage or physical therapy may be required in some areas.

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