Information On My Spiritual Life Journey

By Dominique Martin

If this is the journey that you want to begin from this point onwards, then you will just have to treat this article as the only source of information that you will ever need. You have to realize at this stage, there is no point in denying the fact that you have been astray for quite some time. Plus, it is never too late for you to go home where you belong.

First, you should come into terms on where your private sanctuary is going to be. Actually, the concept my spiritual life journey may start in any place as long as it is a quite one. It will all be up to your own discretion as to where you like to be coser to your God. No one can dictate you with this matter.

Second, improve on mediation simply because you have no choice on the matter. You may have been used to noise and music all your life but that does not mean that you cannot learn to love solitude from time to time. Yes, you are not meant to be alone but then, prayer is something that should be done in silence.

Third, you have to acquire the kind of temporary amnesia that you will be able to control. This is not a dangerous step. In fact, it can even beneficial to you in so many ways. You will just have to teach yourself to forget about everything that is bothering you. You can deal with them once you are done with your alone time.

You should put your finger on the things that are really scaring the most out of you. If you can finally have the courage to acknowledge them from what they truly are, then you will be ready to offer them to your Creator. When that happens, then you will be fearless and more spiritual for the rest of your life.

If you think that other people would be able to help you with your journey, then be able to include them into the equation if you are totally open with that suggestion. Keep in mind that you need to be on top of this situation. If you are not going to take the wheel, then you would surely be misdirected from your main purpose.

Get back to your personal plans. They may seem extravagant for other people but then, you have always been free to dream big. Besides, you have a bigger God and that is all that matters. You can achieve anything in an even pace and with your stronger belief.

Pray as often as you can. Be reminded that you do not need someone to be there with you when you are talking to your God. You can even perform this routine in the bathroom as long as you are committed to it.

Overall, have a deeper faith. You can get though life. You just have to be strong.

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