Any Unethical Treatment By Psyhotherapist May Result In Criminal Charges

By Jocelyn Davidson

In most instances a therapist will put forth his best effort to help a patient who turns to him. A few do not conform to ethical standards that are acceptable. When a mistreated patient reports abuse, sexual or otherwise, it is likely she has been victimized because of unethical treatment by psyhotherapist.

An unethical professional will ignore the fact that it will be detrimental to the client and initiate a sexual relationship. As a result, the client will be further traumatized rather than being helped. The trauma is never of benefit to the patient.

There are situations in which the client tries to initiate sexual contact with the therapist. She may imagine romantic feelings exist. It is up to the professional to disentangle himself, without hurting her feelings if possible.

Over four percent of all clients report sexual abuse of some kind has been perpetrated against them. Most are male on female. However, there are some female therapists who initiate sexual contact with male clients.

Any patient who is sexually abused may end up as an inpatient instead of an outpatient. Many are hospitalized after attempting suicide. Of the four percent who make an attempt, one percent are successful.

Without some degree of caring on the part of the psychotherapist, counseling cannot be effective. Without trust being established the client will not be able to benefit from treatment. However, that caring can sometimes be interpreted by a client as romantic interest.

In cases that threaten to get out of control, the professional must take responsibility for whatever happens. It may be necessary for him to suggest the patient see another therapist. Clients are sensitive to rejection and an explanation is needed to make them understand why it is going to be necessary.

Some professionals do not accept the fact that sexual abuse of a patient is not only unethical, but also illegal. In some states it is an offense punishable by prison time. In all it is at least a misdemeanor. It takes a brave patient to report such abuse.

It is possible, even likely, that no one will believe her. It is a case of he said she said. The word of an unstable woman is less believable than that of a respected professional. Her therapist will have made her condition worse rather than alleviating it.

It is wise to hire a lawyer to represent you if you decide to accuse. Three different approaches can be taken. Money for damages may be awarded. If guilt is established, it may result in prison time. Complaining to a review board may cost the therapist his license to practice.

In civil court winning the case will allow her to collect damages, have medical expenses covered and future therapy paid for. Punitive damages may also apply. When reporting to a review board, it is possible for the therapist to lose his license either temporarily or permanently depending on circumstances.

Filing a criminal complaint is her second choice. If she wins her case, the guilty therapist will go to prison for a length of time. The third choice is to file a complaint with an official review board. This may result in the therapist being sanctioned or having his license to practice taken away.

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