How Building A Network And Support Group To Effectively Manage Your Addiction Can Be Successful

By Jocelyn Davidson

There are many people living in our communities who are battling a number of addictions. For them, it is a daily struggle to stay clean and sober. The fight is always hard and the journey is usually long. But building a network and support group to effectively manage your addiction lays the foundation for success and offers the opportunity to live a life that is full of joy and happiness.

Dealing with an illness that so strongly controls the brain and body can be overwhelming. It can leave one feeling weak and vulnerable. Addicts often believe they have no will power, when in fact, many have incredible will power. They often give in to their addiction because their bodies are so strongly craving what they are depriving it of.

There are important steps needed in order to break away from this illness. Understanding the ultimate goal and visualizing a happy, joyful and clean life will provide clarity. Empowering yourself with every positive thought possible will help keep the focus on what needs to be done. Surrounding yourself with people who understand the fight that is taking place and who are willing to help and support in any way possible will increase the chances of success.

Digging deep to find the drive to continue working on this issue can be difficult. Any addict must have a strong dose of determination to continue with the everyday struggles of getting better. Some days will be harder than others but in the end, finding good health and a better quality of life with be the reward.

Once the decision has been made to start recovery, learning everything that is available about this disease can help keep you focused. Read books about addiction and ask questions when possible. This helps with clarity, understanding and provides insight to how you ended up here to begin with. Find others who have gone through this same struggle, and listen to their stories as they can be a source of strength and encouragement for you as well.

Many people find themselves becoming acquainted with their spiritual side during this time of transition. Having faith in something bigger and stronger often helps with overcoming the weaknesses that overwhelm the mind and soul. After all, it is not only about controlling the addiction but about becoming stronger and investing in the positive areas of life. The more positive that is focused on, the lighter the burden becomes.

While it is often assumed that someone is battling illegal drugs or alcohol, this is not always the case. Often after a lengthy recovery some people have become addicted to prescription pain medications. This can happen when someone has been prescribed pain killers in order for them to function while their bodies are recovering from a horrific injury. After a period of time, they are needing them for other reasons than pain.

Whatever the illness is, everyone who is trying to recover starts from the same place. Learning to create a healthy life takes a lot of hard work and determination. Finding support comes in all forms from friends and family, to groups who share their experiences with each other. Surrounding oneself with those who know and understand your illness can be great support on your journey back to good health and a happy life.

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