Emotional Abuse By A Psychotherapist Is Never Acceptable

By Jocelyn Davidson

When there is sexual abuse in the psychotherapist-patient relationship, that patient suffers. This situation is caused by a professional with low ethical standards. The patient who suffers emotional abuse by a psychotherapist can take legal action.

Statistically speaking, approximately 4.4 percent of therapists admit to having sex with a client. The offending therapist is a male in four cases out of five. Those exploited are female in 88 to 92 percent of all reported cases. Some are minors.

The effect this has on someone already in emotional distress is devastating. Fourteen percent attempt to take their own lives. One percent have been successful. About eleven percent must be hospitalized as a result of the sexual abuse.

The patient who came to the unethical therapist with an unrelated disorder, can end up with clinical depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. The patient who comes forward and reports the abuse is courageous. It requires great strength to do so.

It is always unethical for a psychotherapist to have sexual contact with the patient. All states view it as malpractice. In some of those states it is a criminal offense that can be charged and prosecuted in a court of law.

There are three possible courses of action. The patient may file a civil lawsuit. She may file a criminal complaint in some states. As an alternative to legal action, she may complain to the state licensing board in her state of residence.

A civil court can award money for damages. Punitive damages may be added to punish the offender. The best way for the victim to proceed is to engage the services of an attorney. An attorney can give legal advice plus represent her in court as the case proceeds. The laws in each state may vary.

The criminal case brought against a psychotherapist depends largely on what the patient claims opposed to what the therapist denies. The attorney defending the therapist may use the tactic of claiming the patient is unstable and therefore, likely to be lying. If one psychotherapist, however, is accused by other patients, he is more likely to appear guilty to the jury.

When a psychotherapist is brought up on charges, or brought before a review board multiple times, it does not indicate his innocence. Ethics in the area of therapist-patient sexual intimacy is not addressed adequately by The American Psychiatric Association. One female psychiatrist resigned from that august organization to protest the lack of concern.

There are psychotherapists with the highest level of competency who consider themselves exempt from restraint in having sexual contact with patients. They claim they do it to benefit the patient. Some of these individuals feel it is unethical to report other therapists they know are having sexual contact with patients.

Attitudes like this are in blatant contrast to what the average person would consider ethical. These offenders are astute professionals who sit on committees, have positions of authority and hold professorships at universities.

The recidivism rate remains high. These professionals are repeat offenders as often as sex offenders from other segments of the population. Taking away their license to practice seems to be the only thing that will bring about significant change.

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