Personal Growth And The Velveteen Rabbit Challenge

By Virginia Foster

In life, there is darkness and there is light. In most cases, light tends to override darkness. While this is the case, The Velveteen Rabbit Challenge suggests that all people have past experiences based on the darkness which reside within all people. The basic premise, that if individuals can eliminate and let go of these experiences, it can be easier to love oneself and others regardless of past mistakes.

The challenge is based on the reality that only people whom work hard are able to discover one's true potential and sense of self. For, only when people can overcome obstacles and challenges in life can one learn to help others. As such, the ability to work toward future visions and goals in the future is also essential to success.

While this is the case, it takes time to learn how to do so. In addition, compassion, patience and trust are also a big part in giving birth to a new sense of self. For, it is often easier to hold on to older ways of doing things rather than learning better ways. Although, at times, doing so can prevent personal and professional growth and get in the way of achieving goals and reaching success in different areas of life.

Through a close examination of self and removing layers of past pain, trauma and other difficult experiences, individuals can be reborn into a truer sense of self. For, in undergoing the challenge, people repeat the cycle of birth and death many times over. When it comes to the word dying, in this sense the word refers to eliminating old ways of doing things while coming to terms with the dark side of self which exist in all people.

By taking a close look within the inner-self, individuals can examine present and past behavior and experiences without judgment or criticism. In doing so, individuals are allowed to awaken to this new reality by eliminating the dark aspects of the past. For, when individuals are holding to residual emotional pain and discomfort, it can often be transferred to others in different ways, often without knowledge.

Another key element of the challenge is acceptance. For, when individuals can learn to understand and love past experiences, especially the broken dark aspects of life, only then can individuals find the velveteen rabbit inside. A rabbit which has been within each person through birth and all that which has effected our spirit during life.

Regardless as to how an individual becomes aware of the rabbit, it is a presence which has been with all people since birth. While this is the case, the rabbit's characteristics often get lost or overshadowed due to the dark experiences in life. While this is the case, it is often the recovery process in which many people discover the light and love which the presence represents.

While people may feel ragged, torn and exhausted, change can take place. For, if individuals have the courage to erase the past and move toward the future, change is a natural process. It is important to be aware of these changes to assure that negative behaviors are eliminated while positive change takes place. After which, if individuals grow and nurture these changes, the changes will become seeds of growth into a happier, healthier and more positive life experience.

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