Counseling And Other Resources For Exoffenders

By Elizabeth Hill

Preparing for the release of a loved one can often be beneficial to re-entry. For, it is not only resources for exoffenders which are important, it is also loved ones of the ex-offender. As such, there have been eight ways discovered which can help an exoffender and loved ones during the re-entry process.

The 8 ways loved ones can help an exoffender include assisting in a job search, locating food banks, churches and support groups, restructuring the relationship, saving money and knowing any restrictions placed on the individual by the court. While most accept help from loved ones in these areas, there are others whom reject help from anyone. In most cases, these individuals are more likely to reoffend than others. If and when doing so while on probation or parole, the actions need to be reported to the proper authorities as soon as possible.

When it comes to parole and probation, most individuals have these conditions as a stipulation of release. These can often include, electronic monitoring, community service, drug and alcohol tests, a mandatory job search, geographic travel limitations and curfew. One of the best ways to assure these requirements are met is for a loved one to develop a relationship with the individual's parole officer. For, if there were to be a violation, the officer can inform the family.

Saving money in order to provide short term help upon the individual's release is also a good idea. For, depending on how long the individual has been incarcerated, readjusting to outside society can often be difficult. In addition, ex-offenders often need pocket money for bus fare, cab fare or gas to meet with parole officers, attend job interviews and for other essentials.

If able to support a loved one in this manner, it is important to make known that the help is only short-term and conditional upon efforts to find a job and a place to live without violating any conditions of the release. Otherwise, it is important to stop providing such support, as doing so could potentially have negative effects on the exoffender, the loved one or the overall relationship.

Most often, loved ones become very excited over a loved one's release from jail or prison. In most cases, loved ones are envisioning the relationship with the ex-offender as it was before the individual was incarcerated. While things may not have changed as much for those whom have only been incarcerated for a short period of time, individuals incarcerated for six months or longer often have difficulty when it comes to re-establishing past relationships.

With regards to future needs, churches, support groups, job searches, talking with children and counseling, all of these go hand-in-hand. For, counselors can often provide better resources than others when it comes to the proper support group or church. Whereas, loved ones still need to consider future needs of the individual and work together in talking with children.

There are a number of websites which can also provide information and resources to exoffenders based on geographic location. These include, second chance jobs, how to find a job after prison, interview preparation, resume writing courses and companies which will hire ex-offenders. Whereas, other locally based programs and resources often include community service work, counseling for ex-offenders, emotional and physical well being and volunteering.

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