The Secret To Leaving AA And Remaining Sober

By Nancy Cooper

Support is very important whenever an alcoholic is recovering. This is to provide the assurance that life will be well and negate the need to slip back into alcoholism. This support is commonly found in Alcoholic Anonymous. However, leaving AA is inevitable at a certain point. This exposes a lot of people to slipping back into alcoholism. Experts have devised a formula that will enable you remain free from alcohol even as you leave the support groups.

Create a network beyond the group. Support groups live on tight schedules that are sometimes difficult to keep. However, you can gang up with people in your neighborhood, peers and family members who also wish to gain freedom. By joining them, you create a more customized network that will still help you achieve desired goals.

Keep your life engaged at all times. A lot of people are tempted into slipping back to drugs and alcohol because they have stumbled upon idle time. Being with friends, working long hours and engaging your family will help you remain sober. Ensure that the company you will be keeping and activities you are engaging are helpful. With unhelpful activities, the chances of slipping back are extremely high.

Monitor the changes you are making in life. Even the slightest change can be great motivation and transform your life forever. Take note of more disposable income because you are either working longer hours or are not drinking as much. Appreciate the better health you enjoy or a feeling of strength because you are not taking alcohol. Take pride in these changes and you will have the motivation to go for more.

The change that has happened in your life must also count. There should be a difference since you have dropped alcohol and taken on a new life. The difference comes from the fact that you are no longer paying for alcohol or spending time drinking. It will translate into more money. The time can be spent taking up a new course that makes you employable. The money should buy something that dramatically changes your life. In the absence of these changes, taking on a new life will be meaningless.

Manage your stress and life fears. A good number of the people who fall to alcohol blame it on stress. When stress and anxiety strike, find an effective way of managing the situation. It could be talking to friends or taking a walk. Above all, be bold to face life and ask for help. Turning to alcohol will never provide the solution you are looking for.

Have goals that you have to achieve to assist in the course of recovery. For instance, you may choose not to visit particular places or be with friends who entice you into alcohol. Choose alternatives that you will take in case you feel like slipping back. Track the goals over sometimes and reward yourself with a memorable gift when these goals are achieved. It gives you the morale to continue.

Keep in touch with health professionals who will help you through the journey. A rebound is usually more dangerous than the original addiction. Keep monitoring your progress using professional help and raise alarm in case you feel that something is amiss.

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