Attending The Tabernacle Baptist Church Washington DC

By Steven Lewis

Attending church is critical. It is something that every Christian believer should do on a regular basis. The church is more than just the building. It is also the congregation of believers. Christians need to congregate together. That is due to the fact that there is power in numbers. There is nothing in this world like lone wolf Christianity. That is the main reason why a Baptist who resides in Washington DC will need to attend a Tabernacle Baptist Church Washington DC on a regular basis. That will strengthen a person in the faith of Christianity.

The main purpose for church attendance is spiritual growth. It is good to grow in a physical way. It is even better to grow spiritually. That should be the pursuit of every Christian out there. After the baptism process, one will be a spiritual baby. As a result, he will feed on baby food. One will need to grow to become spiritually mature. This is an achievement.

By attending a Tabernacle Baptist church, one will be able to meet with other believers from the different walks of life. As it is commonly said in the United States of America, iron sharpens iron and man sharpens man. The testimonies of other believers will motivate an individual to become a better person at the end of the day.

One should make a point of attending the Sunday service. For six days in a week, man should work. The seventh day is the Sabbath. It is the day of rest when a person should take a break from work and subsequently attend the Sunday service. At the end of the service, the pastor will bless everyone who has attended.

Sunday is not the only day of a week that a Christian can attend service. One can attend service any day of a week. That is due to the fact that there are normally weekday services. These take place from Monday to Friday. A weekday service will typically happen during the lunch hours. It can also happen in the evening.

There will be a praise and worship team during the course of the service. The will lead believers in singing praises and worshiping. A pastor or a bishop will preside over the service. He will offer the message of the day. A good pastor will preach in the best manner possible. As a result, he will inspire his audience.

By attending church, one will get to know the Bible more. The Holy Bible is at the center of Christianity. A true believer will live according to the Bible. He will follow it to the letter. As a result, he will lead a life of holiness and righteousness. This is the kind of life that will guarantee eternal life.

The religion of Christianity has come a long way. At first, it only had a handful of followers in Jerusalem, Israel, who were facing persecution on a regular basis from men and women who hated the truth and rejected the true faith. Presently, Christianity has billions of followers all over the world. That makes it the largest religion in the world.

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