Anxiety And Depression Counseling Newport Beach Authorities Suggest Sufficient Vitamin D

By Linda Hamilton

Vitamin D is commonly being marketed as perfect for women who are at high risk of suffering from the bone disease osteoporosis. That's because it is actually a major role player in having the bones strengthened, just like calcium. Not too many people, however, are aware of the fact that it is also tasked at attaining as well as maintaining optimum mental wellness. It's due to this exactly why anxiety and depression counseling Newport Beach professionals recommend the intake of optimum amounts vitamin D for having the symptoms put under control.

The nutrient helps in lifting the mood because scientists say it assists in increasing the levels of happy hormones found in the brain. It is basically the same action taken by a lot of drugs that psychiatrists usually give to their patients who have a lot of anxious and depressive thoughts. Getting the body supplied with enough of this vitamin, in other words, is a drug free solution to the attainment of superb mental well being.

The good news is there are many different ways to provide the body with sufficient amounts of the vitamin. Often, the individual simply has to step foot outside his or her home and stay under the sun for a few minutes. He or she may also consume foods that are packed with the vitamin. There are dietary supplements available on the market, too.

Health experts confirm that the sun's UV light converts into vitamin D cholesterol that is situated in your skin. They recommend for you to be under the sun for 20 to 30 minutes if you want to obtain enough of the nutrient. If your skin is dark in color, then it's a good idea for you to remain outdoors for a few minutes more. That's because melanin found abundantly in your skin can keep UV light of the sun from doing its job.

It's no secret that too much sun exposure can cause premature skin aging and also increase risk of skin cancer. It's for this reason exactly why the sun should be avoided after 10 am and before 4 pm. Even though sun exposure is scientifically proven to be good for the maintenance of mental wellness, it also comes with certain risks.

Other than the sun, certain foods are also known to supply the nutrient. On the top of the list are fatty fish kinds such as mackerel, salmon and tuna. These treats from the sea also yield omega 3 fatty acids that are good for the mind, too.

There are various other food sources of vitamin D that may be included by a person in his or her diet regularly. Some good examples include milk, yogurt, cheese, beef liver and egg yolks. There are also many different food products at the supermarket that are fortified with the nutrient.

Individuals who cannot consume these foods on a regular basis need not fret. That's because they may simply pop a supplement in their mouths daily. However, those who have known medical conditions should first consult their respective doctors before taking any supplement.

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