Effective Weight Loss Through Natural Healing Portland Practitioners Are Offering

By George Young

Despite of having regular exercise and opting for healthy food, some people still find it hard to slim down. It's evident that other issues need to be considered. Based on the statement of natural healing Portland experts, there are certain problems that have to be taken into account if the objective of a person is to effectively get rid of excess pounds.

Chronic stress is a problem shared by many people these days. Doctors confirm that there are different health issues that may show up if you're unable to manage your stress effectively. Heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes are just a few examples. Your risk of developing cancer is also increased, based on studies. According to mental health authorities, majority of depressed or anxious individuals these days are leading extremely stressful lives.

Not so many people know the fact that weight gain is linked to stress, too. That's because having constantly elevated stress hormones within you can cause the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region. The problem with fat in the midsection is it can be very stubborn. This is basically the reason why some people end up having liposuction that's not only expensive but also risky.

Being stressed perpetually can also cause the levels of glucose in your bloodstream to become abnormally high. This is why failure to manage your stress can put you at risk of suffering from diabetes. If you're trying to slim down, having elevated blood glucose means bad news. That's because it can turn you into a stress eater whose appetite is uncontrollable. During stress eating, the foods and drinks that appeal to you the most are those that are rich in fat and sugar that can easily promote weight gain.

Certain medical conditions can also be blamed for a person's inability to lose weight. One example of such is what doctors refer to as hypothyroidism. Put simply, it is a disease characterized by the inability of the thyroid gland to produce enough hormones, including something that controls the metabolic rate. Hypothyroidism can cause a sluggish metabolism, and everyone knows that such can make slimming down virtually impossible.

One more example of a health problem that can lead to unnecessary weight gain is type 2 diabetes. Once again, such is because of the fact that elevated blood glucose can cause an increase in one's appetite. It's important to note that there are so many other health complications associated with poor management of type 2 diabetes.

Menopause can trigger unwanted gaining of weight in older women. Hormonal imbalance going on inside the body is the culprit behind the numerous aggravating matters associated with menopause, and that includes a slow running metabolic rate. Menopause also causes muscle loss that can be blamed, too, for the appearance of excess pounds.

Without taking drugs or undergoing invasive procedures, these health concerns can be managed through natural healing. Herbal preparations, therapeutic massages and other alternative forms of treatment are the ones involved. Through such approach, you can have a slimmer body in a risk free manner.

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