The Essentials Of Salary Negotiations And Employment Opportunity Screening

By Marie Allen

Unemployment rates are rising every day with a lot of youth facing this challenge first hand. This reality has made a lot of young men and women join crime while others may do anything to acquire employment. Due to this, vices like corruption, blackmails and swindling of innocent citizens have become very rampant. This has made it necessary to carefully and critically assess an employment opportunity before committing to apply for it. This reduces incidences of swindling and defrauding innocent people. This article takes you through essential elements that entail an informed job assessment and salary negotiations.

It is recommended that people first research about the potential employer before applying for an advertised employment opening. It is important to gather every available information about the company offering the employment opportunity. This information should guide a person in deciding whether the opportunity is genuine or whether the company is fit for them. People can obtain information about the employer from the social media, internet and the stock exchange markets.

Another important consideration to make when assessing a prospect employment is the salary offered. The main reason why people look for employment is financial freedom and salary is the major factor affecting financial freedom. People should ensure that the salary the employer is offering will be able to sustain them fully and give them the financial freedom they desire. The salary should be able to handle all the employees' expenses and still some amount for saving.

Another major consideration people should make in evaluating an employment opportunity is benefits accrued from the employment. People should consider other benefits that come with the employment opportunity like retirement benefits, pension, insurance, incentives among other benefits. These benefits should be well articulated in the offer letter issued to the employees hired.

Hidden additional costs associated with the employment should also be considered when evaluating new employment opportunities. There are costs that are not documented or indicated in the offer letter that are very essential and that may affect the saving and expenditure plans. Transportation and relocation costs are some of the hidden costs associated with new employment opportunities that should be considered when assessing a job offer.

While assessing the viability of an employment opportunity, one should also consider the work load associated with the advertised position. Understanding the work load associated with a specific position before applying enables one to predict the time they will take above regular working hours to completely handle it. It also helps an individual understand what the employer expects from them.

Career path of the employment opportunity should also be considered. People should strive to understand the career path an advertised employment position follows and establish whether it aligns with their career path. Following one career path enhances specialization and mastering of a specific field.

Comparing personal values with that of the organization offering the employment opportunity is also an important consideration to make. This guides a person in deciding whether their values are in line with those of the organization.

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