How Our Thoughts Influence Nerves

By Karen Stewart

Overtime, it has been proven that our thoughts and emotions can be able to affect us physically. For example, illnesses like diabetes but they can be escalated when one goes into the state of depression. This means that we can not only treat the physical part of us if it can be affected by the emotional parts of us. The article shows how our thoughts influence nerves.

Although our bodies have always proven to us that the physical part of us is connected to the emotional part, people still ignore this fact and is vividly showing in different ways of life. Most physical reactions are triggered by our emotions. Try and picture when you were in front of a panel, or you met someone who you really liked. You are bound to have sweaty palms and shake among other things which shows well that fact.

Some of the states we are in can be physical and emotional together and apart. For example, you can be alone and really feel that you are alone or you can be alone and never feel lonely. At the same time, you can be amidst people but still feel very lonely. While understanding ourselves does not wipe away all the troubles, we are able to handle ourselves better.

Observe how you react when you get irritated or frustrated. This can be brought about by finding yourself in a helpless position or when someone constantly annoys you despite your warnings. You are bound to be out of breath. Your shoulder and stomach muscles also tend to tighten. This is a physical reaction to an emotional state.

At the time you can get really frustrated or really annoyed depending on what is going on. You may be stuck in traffic for hours which will lead to frustration. Someone may keep interrupting you which may annoy you. You may react the same way towards both. You may express yourself loudly while waving your hands around.

Anger is another emotion with very notable physical reactions which if not controlled can cause harming effects. When someone is angry with you, the first thing is to apologize. Some people tend to run away; others cry while others are left in a state of shock. When it is the opposite, and you are angry with someone, your reaction depends on the person you are. You may scream, shout, bottle it up or walk away.

Memories are also an emotional part that can be physically seen. A good memory will automatically make you laugh or smile. This is because it warms your heart. A bad memory may cause you to shake, sweat or even cry. With the bad memories, observe how your body reacts, look at the places where you will be most tensed up.

When we have fallen sick in the past, we may be affected by it. Some experiences are so painful that every time you remember you cannot help but shed a tear or two. You may also imagine the pain in the place you were hurt which is completely normal until you learn how to deal with it.

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