Significance Of An Addiction Counselor MT

By Janet Moore

Substance abuse has become rampant in recent years. No one is speared when it comes to addiction. Neither men nor women, youth and in some instances even children. It is therefore very important to treat a person suffering from substance abuse before it cripples the entire community as when one person suffers from substance abuse, all those become affected by the addiction. One way of overcoming addiction is by getting counseling from an Addiction Counselor MT.

There are different reasons that cause a person to become reliant on substances which they abuse. One of the most common especially among the youth is peer pressure. A person decides to pick a drug or alcohol because their friends are doing it. The problem with most of these substances is that the body becomes accustomed to them and the person cannot survive without getting a fix.

It would be okay if the substances did not have any harmful side effects unfortunately they do. Some substances cause hallucinations, others make a person violent and if taken in large doses, they may cause death. So something that started as a harmless indulgence turns into a nightmare in no time.

Another cause of addiction is stress. Some people start using substances to cope with the stress in their lives such as at work or at home. At first, the substance calms the person down but in the morning the stresses are back and the initial small does is not enough. Without knowing it, they increase the amount they are taking and in no time they are addicted and cannot be able to hold down a job.

It is a common assumption that addicts are a hazard to just themselves and thus never bother in getting the addicts help. An addict is however a burden to a community. For one thing, when they abuse substances, their mental processes are altered and they act out of the norm. An example is when a person over indulges in alcohol, they become violent and abusive harming those around them.

When the body begins to withdraw, the person becomes miserable and desperate for a fix. That is when they are faced with the reality that they really do have a problem. When they get over the withdrawal symptoms, the therapist guides them in understanding their dire situation they are in because of their abuse.

Some get to understand and become willing to get help to overcome their substance abuse. There are those who know that they do have a problem but do not care. The only reason they agree to therapy sessions is so that they do not have face the consequences of not attending them. Such consequences include prison time or being cut off by family. They therefore finish their therapy but as soon as they are out, they are back to their old ways.

The therapist also assists their client to realize the harm their addiction does to not only themselves but also their loved ones and the community as a whole. This helps an addict to feel remorse and realize that drugs and alcohol are actually harmful and in no way benefit them. This helps them to purpose to be a better person and a valuable member of the community.

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