With Goal Setting Workshops NM Businesses Can Attain Better Achievements

By Andrew Reed

In order to compete in the modern business environment a company needs to be tough, creative and productive. Unfortunately, far too many people still equates productivity with being busy. This is no the case. If teams work hard, but without very specific goals to strive toward, their efforts may be in vain. Setting goals is an art form in itself. During goal setting workshops NM companies can learn how to direct their efforts towards purposeful outcomes.

Far too many people see goals as a vague intention to achieve an equally vague outcome. Nothing can be further from the truth. Goals and objectives are very specific, or at least the should be. No business can afford to commit resources to the achievement of goals that are not clearly defined. Nor can businesses expect to achieve any results if they do not understand exactly what those expected results are.

One of the main characteristics of good goals is that they contain an action word. An action word is a verb that can be observed and measured. Setting an objective to understand the theory of relativity is no good because the action word understand cannot be measured. The objective would be much better if it states that the aim is to clearly demonstrate the application of the theory of relativity. The verb demonstrate can be observed and measured.

A proper objective must answer an important question. To which measurable standards must the objective be achieved. To say that you will manufacture smart phones is not a proper objective. It does contain the action verb, but it should also contain a standard. To manufacture smart phones that are approved by XYZ authorities would therefore be a better attempt. If XYZ authorities do not approve the phone, the objective has not been achieved.

Goals must provide a time framework. If the objective is to shed at least seven pounds it provides no incentive to achieve this objective within a certain period. The objective should therefore be to get rid of a minimum of seven pounds by the stated date. If, on 10 January 2018 the scale shows the loss of at least seven pounds, the objective has been achieved.

Formulating goals is just the first step towards success. The next phase is to convert the goals into action plans. Each objective must be broken down into smaller steps that must also be measurable and observable. If each smaller step is completed successfully, then the achievement of the greater objective is almost assured. Action plans are therefore very important.

There are many individuals and companies that offer seminars and courses on how to set goals. When planning such a workshop it is important to obtain valid references and to check them out. The presenter should be familiar with the vision of the company because that will enable him to teach delegates to set goals that will contribute towards that vision.

When one does not know where one is going any road will take one there. This old adage is only too true. Businesses cannot grow and profit if they cannot set and achieve very specific goals. Teaching teams how to to set goals and how to plan for their achievement is therefore an important priority to many top companies.

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