Bobby Jain: The Holiday Shopping Do's & Don'ts That Save You Money

By Jason McDonald

It's that time of year again when people are in the shopping mindset, traveling to various stores and retailers to find the perfect gifts for friends and loved ones. Most people associate this endeavor with large amounts of money spent, but this doesn't have to be the case. As a matter of fact, there are quite a few ways that you can save money during this process. For those that would like to learn more, here are a few cost-effective holiday do's & don'ts provided by the likes of Bobby Jain.

DO exercise creativity when it comes to presents. One of the common mistakes that people make, when it comes to gifts, is that they go for the most expensive ones. This doesn't have to be done, especially if you're in-tune with the unique interests your friends and family members have. Who's to say that you can't make gifts for them based on the interests in question? The more thought you put into these gifts, the more that the receivers will appreciate them.

DON'T assume that certain days of the holiday season have the best deals. When you think about popular shopping days, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are likely to be the first ones that come to mind. Despite this, there are other days that are tailor-made for deal hunting. As a matter of fact, authorities on finance like Bob Jain will suggest that you check out different sites each week. You never know what you'll find by doing so.

DO shop as soon as possible. If you know exactly what your loved ones will enjoy, why start shopping in November when you can do it earlier? One of the caveats of shopping sooner is that you run short on time. Not only will you run the risk of not giving gifts on time, but you may not be able to benefit from deals that could have saved you money. As far as holiday shopping is concerned, sooner is usually better.

DON'T overlook how quickly shipping adds up. As a matter of fact, shipping costs are why many people are more comfortable shopping at traditional retailers. This doesn't mean that online shopping should be overlooked, especially when certain retailers cover the shipping when certain amounts of money are spent. This is great for those that plan on doing most of their shopping online anyway. Needless to say, this saves shoppers even more money.

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