Key Characteristics Of Supreme Being

By Patricia Bailey

Most people believe that everything came into existence through creation. The cause of production and conservation of all such things; is Supreme Being and He is acknowledged by everyone apart from a few who deny His existence. Many persons do not understand the nature of God. Many sources and resources have tried to explain it. However, one should find out more about it. The following are the significant natural attributes of God.

Omnipresent. There is no one on earth who can be everywhere at the same time. But he that created both heaven and earth has abilities to be anywhere. That is why; Christians and those from Judaism believe that God is omnipresent because His work can be manifested in any part of the world. He will be from generation to generation despite not revealing Himself at the same time and in the same way.

Omniscience. This attribute is also essential id defining and telling you more about Him. His knowledge cannot be compared to that of any other person on earth. Since He created all things, He knows and knows everything even that which persons do not see or understand. His awareness can never be controlled by anything or anyone. He also knows the thoughts of every person.

He has power over His creation. Omnipresent is a characteristic which is very important too. No one can control all the creature of God except Himself. He can determine what can be over the things on the face of the earth and no human being will ever have control over it. If He decides to do something, He cannot be prevented. His power can be seen on how He sustains all that He made.

God is eternal. On top of that, He has been, is and will still exist forever. Human beings are just mortal, and they can face death at any time or day. Unlike Him who is immortal is believed to live for eternity. Since He has already lived for an infinite period and will continue to live for an unknown time. He is the beginning and the end.

Above all, immeasurable holiness is part of the features of Almighty. You cannot separate holiness from Him because that is what defines Him and His work. He does not struggle with sin because being Holy is His nature. As for persons who are always in sins, and whenever they try to come out it, they again find themselves sinning. However, Almighty is and will ever be holy.

He is a loving Deity. Love is very kind and also patient. It is neither jealous nor envious. It can never be boastful or proud. When people say that Divinity is love, they imply all the things above. They believe that He cannot be unjust to them but will always pardon them whenever they go wrong because of the love he has for them.

The other significant quality is that He is self-existence. Individuals from all over ask questions where God came from. This question none can answer because none can trace Him. He existed long ago before anything living was there. Hence, His life cannot be affected by anything.

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