Everything Changes So Fast

By Evan Sanders

It never ceases to amaze me just how everything can change and yet things are entirely the same.

You can be focusing and spending so much of you time on one thing and then all of the sudden your entire life can change.

What's even stranger is the the other world disappears entirely. It seems to disintegrate into thin air when you have something brand new enter into your life. One second it's there and the next it's gone.

As much as I didn't really didn't believe in good timing while I was young, it has become pretty obvious how important it is now.

I used to believe that you could just apply as much effort to the situation as possible and it would work out because you willed it to. In reality life is a lot more complicated than that. Life works like waves, a constant ebb and flow, and you have to be willing to be fluid in that type of world as well.

But if you push at the right time, there's hardly any effort involved.

This has been running through my mind and changing the way I've been doing things. It makes me understand patience very well. It makes me understand, really, that patience is one of the marks of someone who truly is showing up in the world as how it actually is. When you are impatient, you are trying to make things happen forcibly...

That's the path to true happiness. That's a path to deep inner peace.

Patience and trust. Talk about a huge chapter of my life.

These things have filled me with new blood and given me massive amounts of energy to move forward through difficult times. These things have connected me back with my deep purpose and allowed for that purpose to come forward.

In time, all things change for the better. In time, you can see what this universe has planned for you.

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