The Challenge of Adult Personal Development

By Eric Scott

The Martial Arts Perspective

I have an awesome job. I teach full-time, and get to use mixed martial arts and self-defense as a conveyance for personal development for adults and kids. The children get it that they're supposed to be learning full-time, and their mother and father invest in them. The parents are far more of a challenge when faced with their own personal development. At times , adults would prefer to sacrifice than put aside the time for their own development plan. Some adults think it's greedy - that learning and personal development is a luxury.

Lifelong Learning

Learning is not an indulgence , but it's a past-time; nonetheless learning is the only activity that gives a return on the investment of time and cash. We are the majority of the way through 2015. My clients hear it from me once or more every month. Next year will be the same as this year, except for these 3 things - the people you've met, the books you have read, and the things you're better at. Human connections, knowledge, and skills.

Starting an Israeli Krav Maga self-defense program is enfranchising but might not be for everyone, but the plan must include something that is challenging and time-bound. One problem is that the kinds of goals we will set and enjoy don't seem heroic. But the reality is that if we are not growing a little, we're dying a bit.

A Basic Development Plan:

I do not get preachy with adults, but when I get questions, I share an illustration of what I do each month:

Read one book a month on an engaging subject

Make a short list of work and personal skills I would like to work on, and do it. Not moving mountains, little things. can turn out to be a great resource for this. I learned video revising, which is superb for private and business. There is a boom in learning chances for anything you'd want to learn - including my online Krav Maga programs.

Put the telephone down and strike up an interesting conversation with somebody at the coffee bar once a week, and spend 20 minutes studying about what he or she does. It is the most simple place in the world to have a real conversation, without needing to "network. " (Yuck)

The months roll by and I I never have the wherewithal I want. Neither will you. It's gratifying to understand I am making some progress at a time, which is by coincidence also the key to progress in self-defense skills.

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