True Love Tests That Some People Just Do Not Understand

By Daphne Bowen

Being in a relationship can be challenging. Many times people do not believe that the person that they are with really want to be with them. So, these individuals put their significant other through all types of true love tests. These tests are often not necessarily but because a person has insecurities they put another person through different types of situations.

However, the games are really not necessary. When two people are grown and should be able to communicate with one another, they should just be able to talk through their problems. The person should be able to say, you are making me feel a certain way in the relationship, and I do not like it.

The biggest problems that relationships have is a lack of communication. One way to solve that problem is to set aside time each week to spend together. It is called spending quality time to talk and discuss issues that you might be having with each other.

You can plan to go out to dinner, or just have dinner at home and make it a special night. It is important to shut off the outside world and have no interruptions. Both parties want to be heard and felt as if they are important. So, this will mean no cellphones as well. Most people have problems with staying away from their phone.

During the time that you are sharing quality time if you feel that you are being put through unnecessary love games talk about it. You do not want to have to ultimately end up in counseling. However, if you do feel that you need to go talk to someone there is nothing wrong with it.

There have been many counselors, or therapists who have helped save a marriage. Some people put their significant other through tests because they do not know what it feels like to be loved by someone else. It could derive from a troubled past, or someone who has hurt them long before being with you.

It is best to take a moment and step back from the relationship. Give the person time to figure out what is going on with themselves. You might even decide to take some time just for you. However, before getting back in the relationship, you want to sit down and have a heart to heart with the person. Let the person know that you are not the one for games, and you want them to be able to trust you.

Always focus on the good in one another and that will help to outweigh the negative. You have to remember that everyone comes with flaws. If you talk to the person and they still continue to play games and it is hurting you and the relationship, sometimes you have to make a decision to take a break from the relationship. Be sure to take a break in a way that it can be respected by your partner. Remember the person might not think that there is any harm in putting you through so many changes. However, it is important to let them know that you cannot handle the stress.

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