Shadow Work. It's Not As Sinister As It Sounds

By Evan Sanders

Going to the dark places in your life is scary. It is hard. It's exhausting. But despite all of that it's one of the most fruitful adventures you can attempt.

Why you may ask?

Because spending time in the places where your pain is holding allows you to finally start the process of releasing that pain despite how uncomfortable it may be.

When you head into the depths of your soul with a kind heart and spend time working with the parts of your life that are not so pretty you show an incredible amount of compassion towards yourself.

How incredible would that be? How wonderful would it be to eventually heal the holes in your soul which have been eating at you whether you know it or not for years on end?

But how do you do this?

The best method to get to this place - the shadows - is by putting yourself into a very relaxed and safe state of meditation. When you start to dive into this place naturally your most major fears, troubles, and stresses about life will come to the front of your mind. Continue to breathe.

The major ability that you need to develop when you go to this place is getting near enough to these events and emotions so you can actually feel them though not getting so close that you become completely engulfed by them.

But this practice takes a lot of time to really get good at. It takes some hard work. It's not easy heading into the shadows because it's a painful place where a lot of emotion is stored. But if you take this journey you will truly begin a healing process that will allow pains to release themselves from you over time.

The other benefit of this is to find your past unraveling itself from your life right now.

Take a dive into doing shadow work. See what happens? It might be one of the greatest journeys of your life. And hell, you could really start to heal.

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