Proper Communication For Adult With Intellectual Disabilities

By Daphne Bowen

It is normal for people to get sick. What is not normal is for the condition to stay for a long period of time and even become a permanent part of your being. Unfortunately, some people have experience and are experiencing this at the moment. Some individuals have this in their physical aspect while others are dealing with mental battles. Although it might not manifest physically in the early stages, this is something that will show sooner or later.

Different effects could be seen depending on the condition a person is experiencing. But usually, you can expect a change in their actions and behavior when they are undergoing these things. Adults with intellectual disabilities must go through different types of therapy and treatments on top of their medication. But one thing that you can do to support them is to always treat them the right way.

Several causes create these things to happen to someone. At times, this could be an inborn condition and the only way for cure is to constantly submit for treatment. Instances of accidents could also be the reason behind all of these. When it directly affects the head, some parts might be subject to damage.

People who get to encounter these individuals every single day must remember a few things aside from the fact that they do not have the proper mental functions that allow for common and normal interactions. It is that they must behave and talk in a certain manner so that both parties would be able to understand each other. Specific tips are also provided to guide you in better conversing with them.

They are no longer children. And if you talk to them in a child like manner, they are sure to take it the wrong way. It has to be a direct mode of speech but a clear one for you to easily capture their attention and make them understand. This is the common mistake of many people. Whether you are a doctor or someone with connection to them, this is rule number one.

It is necessary that you think about the language to be used for this. It is not right to use jargon unless they are aware of the words. This can easily get them confused about certain things. Instead, you should opt for simple sentences to help them understand it easily. It might be best to think about your mode of speech when you are with them.

You should think about how you can listen to them well. There are certain times when their mode of speech is also impaired. This is not very common and this might not be present in some other cases. But when it does happen, it makes it hard for them to properly communicate and have decent conversation with others.

Others might feel the need to shout in order for them to be understood and this is what usually happens for some. But you should not do this when it comes to people that have disabilities since this agitates or upsets them. It does not make it easy for the both of you to talk freely.

These are basic things you must think about when you are treating patients. For doctors that specialize in this, it is part of their training. Many establishments provide seminars so that they could learn what to do in order to make progress with treatments in connection to the current condition of the patient.

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