Ways Of Resolving Problems Associated With Addiction

By Linda Ruiz

Earlier on, addiction and chronic pain seemed to be very different and separate. Those clinics that were set up to treat pain were had medical models. Resolving problems associated with addiction enforces many strategies focused on assisting an addict from depending on alcohol and drugs. The problem is that the two cannot treat an addict who suffers from addiction and at the same time chronic pain.

Addiction is very much associated to emotional immaturity. Most of the individuals who are addicts result from failure to have the ability to handle their emotions. Indulging in alcohol and drug abuse will provide relief for a short time although it will worsen in the long run. Once a person is able to overcome addiction, he or she will be forced with the emotions again. For an addict to be successful, he or she must design ways of overcoming the emotions.

The following steps can be useful in fighting problems that are associated with chronic pain as well as emotions. Acknowledging own feelings. It is hard to acknowledge the feelings especially if they are difficult. It is important to acknowledge them since it gets almost impossible for anyone to solve something that he or she does not know. It is advisable to avoid judging oneself and accept own self. This way, one will be compassionate to him or herself and find it easier to discover the problem.

Pointing out the strengths. One should identify good thing about own self. This will aid to calm down in the time he or she is under pressure. Self confidence will also be reinforced. Another step that is important is reducing stress. This is aimed at relaxing the body. It will help in the reduction of stress hormones and thus makes someone to think more clearly and therefore better decisions are made.

Avoiding negative thoughts that cause depressed moods. Most individuals suffering from chronic emotional pain are pessimists. Negative thinking causes a distortion and portrays the situation as hopeless. In case of pessimism, one should look for evidence that will prove otherwise. It is important to believe in oneself and always ensure that there is no negative expectation.

Fighting the inner critic. This mostly happens if you have been judged harshly in the past. You should feel compassionate and understand situations. It is going to help you develop a perspective that will give you a peace of mind. You also need to choose a good company. A good company would be that without negative thinking.

Doing away with negative feelings and also thoughts. You should know what you believe. These beliefs could be either negative or positive. Bee keen not to give much thought on the negative ones. The negative ones will increase your level of pessimism. Always ensure that you do not feel down. Dwelling on the positive side will give you better control and give you a better mental health.

Finally, always maintain balance. This is actually taking into account all that is needed to build a healthy life. It does include food and body exercise. It will also bring in work, relationships and enough sleep. A routine should be made to cater for this.

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