Basic Facts About Hypnotherapy Washington DC Dwellers Need To Know

By Deanne Shepard

Hypnotherapy, also known as hypnosis, is a form of psychotherapy that involves using planned relaxation, focused concentration, and closed attention to regain consciousness (trance) in a person. This state directs the attention of the individual to only one thing and ignores the other things that may be going on at the same time. Whilst hypnosis is mainly a natural occurrence, a therapist is needed to help the person direct his/her attention to only one thing. Luckily for those seeking professionals in hypnotherapy Washington DC has skilled ones.

Therapists argue that a hypnotized person is characterized with some unusual propensities and traits like responsiveness and suggestibility. They also add that hypnosis creates some subconscious changes in a patient. These are displayed through new thoughts, behaviors, responses, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes.

People suffering from unconsciousness are likely to dwell on the past thoughts, bad memories and feelings is they are in hypnotic state. They often characterized with having a different opinion about other things. For example, they can ignore pains that are affecting their health.

According to many clinical studies, hypnosis is primarily administered through suggestion therapy and analysis of the patient. Analysis of the patient involves using a relaxed way of exploring the psychological problem that may be related to the cause of any disorder or symptoms that is affecting the health of the patient. The analytic process can help patients deal with the bad memories that are hidden in the unconscious mind.

The stress can be handled by a psychotherapist after the above process. Suggestion therapy, on the other hand, relies on using a set of suggestions. Here, a patient is made to respond to a number of suggestions. For example, a therapist can help a patient stop certain addictive behaviors like taking liquor. This approach can also be used to treat pains and help people change their sensations and perceptions.

Using hypnosis for treating patients is beneficial in many ways. For example, it allows a patient to open up to suggestions or having conversations with other people. Additionally, it can also be used to handle the following cases: trauma, fear, phobias, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, post-stress fears and sleep disorder

Other clinical studies have also revealed that hypnosis may as well be used to help people control pains and addictive behaviors. The latter includes overeating and taking alcohol. Additionally, it can be used to help patients in need of crisis management or with severe symptoms.

Hypnotherapy should be used cautiously. It is not appropriate for people with psychotic problems such as delusions and hallucinations. Alcoholics and those using drugs are also exempted from this treatment method. The therapists hold that this approach should only be used for control of pain after evaluation by the doctor for any disorder that may require surgery or medical treatment.

There are conditions where hypnosis may not be the best remedy. In such a case then psychiatric medication can be used. Hypnosis has also been used before to treat people suffering from repressed memories. However, if its not used in the right manner then memory loss may occur.

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