Talking About The Wonderful Architecture On Christian Churches

By Lisa Myers

They are something to behold, are they not? It is not every day that you would have something to stare at so beautifully. They also mean a lot to so many people, whether it is the religious side of things or those with sentimental thoughts on a place. Who knows what the building things about it too if it was sentient. There is beauty in Christian Churches Henderson NV.

But as much as we like to fantasize about building our own church someday and be a great architect or something, we know that it is not exactly as easy as we make it sound. There is a reason why you have to go to school for this, you know?

To have that still be standing even after all these years is something short of magic if you ask us. What did they even use to make them look like that? To stick them together to make an arch that would serve as the dome or ceiling? Is it magic or maybe it just was the talent and innovation of man even from a time when technology barely existed?

Not to say that it did not really exist at the time but you got to admit that they are not really as impressive compared to the technology we have now. Especially when we use it almost all the time to get us from day to day. And then use it for luxury and leisure and pleasure.

We did not have this back then and now that we do have it, we are kind of taking advantage of it far too much. We have started to really rely on it and that can either be bad or good. Good because we now are very complacent and confident in what our genius inventors have made for us. Bad because what is going to happen when this suddenly disappears?

When things go back to olden days and we are left with something that we cannot handle anymore? Do we go back to the way things were just as easily as that? No of course not. That is not as easy as we make it out to be.

This thing we have right now, this abundance of technology will be known as the golden age in a future of destroyed technology and no internet. The people in the future will refer to it as such when they talk about all the decaying technology that no longer work.

To not have any of the tools and materials and machinery that we now have but still managed to make things like the pyramids and stuff. Sure, they must have taken way longer than they were supposed to and with some kind of manual labor that would definitely is considered as slavery, but the effort is still good.

Or maybe we have been underestimating them too much and will actually survive all that. Who knows. If they do though, then you know that the ancient people back then have been doing something right. For their creation to still exist when ours have not is impressive.

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