Attending The Baptist Church Coward

By Nancy Wood

The church plays a central role in Christianity. Christians did not start attending churches yesterday. They have been doing so for thousands of years. In addition, they will not stop attending church any time soon. They will continue doing that till the end of the world. It is hard to imagine a world without churches. Such a world will be a very dark place to live in. It will be a world that is not fit for human habitation. Some Americans usually attend the Baptist church Coward on Sundays and other days of the week. They usually do that to grow spiritually.

Spiritual growth is desired in the life of a believer. One should not remain a spiritual baby forever. It should reach a time when he should go to a new level of faith. Life is all about growth. Attending Sunday service is an important thing in the life of a Baptist. Most Christians consider Sunday to be the Sabbath day.

Sunday is not the only day of the week for attending a Christian church. Nowadays, most churches in America and also in other parts of planet earth such as Canada, and Europe, usually have weekday services. These services run from Monday to Saturday. They usually take place over the course of the lunch period or in the evening.

One should not attend service for the sake of it, as if he has been forced to do so. If that is the case, it will be better to stay home rather than to waste time and ending up not benefiting at the end of the day. If one chooses to attend a Christian service, he should participate actively.

The peak of a service will be the sermon time. This will be the time when believers will be required to open their Bibles. It is not desirable to attend service without a Bible. One should come to church fully armed with his Bible, a notebook and a pen. The pastor will step to the pulpit and deliver the sermon.

Scripture has two major sections. They are the Old and the New Testaments. The Old Testament is about the old covenant. This Testament of Scripture starts with Genesis and ends with the book of Malachi. Genesis explains the creation of planet earth. The New Testament starts with Matthew and ends with Revelation, which deals with the end of time.

Before a service begins, there will actually be the opening prayer. Before it ends, there will be a closing prayer. All believers should close their eyes during prayers. As it is commonly said in Scripture, the prayer of the faithful will heal the sick. The power of prayer in the life of a Christian must never be taken lightly at any moment.

Christianity has a rich history. It all started in Jerusalem, Israel, with the first apostles. They converted some people to Christianity. Afterwards, the faith spread to Asia and Europe. Roman Catholicism was started in the Roman Emperor after the conversion of Emperor Constantine. Latter, the Great Reformation took place because of grievances with Catholicism. That led to the advent of Protestantism.

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