Men With Borderline Personality Disorder NY And What To Look For

By Frank Stone

Borderline personality in men is less common than that of women. However, it is still something that one sees from time to time. Most of the time, men with borderline personality disorder NY will show up after the teenage years. It can also be more difficult to diagnose, so one needs to go to a therapist with a good reputation.

Often, this leads to other complications, such as drinking and drug abuse. A lot of people turn to self harm. This is very common. It makes one feel that they are dealing with their pain, focusing on something else. Suicidal thoughts can also result from this type of a disorder.

The sooner this is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. There are specialized therapists and programs where people can go in order to heal from this. Dialectical behavioral therapy is one of these which has proven to be very effective. Patients will go through a set of methods and learn about techniques which help them to cope on a daily basis.

People suffer from the disorder in different ways. Some of them have trouble in a less severe degree and are able to function during the day. Other people need to spend more time in therapy, working on what triggers them and looking at various ways in which they can react. Everyone has different triggers, so this is something that men look at on an individual basis.

There should be signs to look out for which usually develop in the early twenties. It can relate to depression or aggression. Young males may complain of seeing things, which will relate to psychosis. They can begin to become anxious. This is not something that can be ignored. A lot of young males will begin to take risks.

It is also based on what has happened in the past. Often, this relates to pat trauma. It often relates to women, but men may remember physical abuse in the home environment. A head trauma can also lead to borderline personality disorder. Patients will report back to the therapist about their week, which will usually include some positive outcomes.

This is the type of manipulation that a spouse has to deal with. Therapy is a long process and it should be slow. Therapists should be specialized to help men who are suffering in this way. It is a practical way of dealing with the disorder. There is usually homework and tasks that the individual can turn to.

Commitment is a problem for them because of their issue with abandonment. Aggression also comes into the equation during their relationships. This can be a big problem. It leads to a lot of emotional tension between the couple. When women want to leave, the individual becomes emotional and intense about this. Younger males may crave the attention in order to escape the feel of abandonment. It can even come in a negative light. They may become aggressive or rebellious so people begin to notice them. This is sometimes the reason for self harm. Parents will begin to notice their child.

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