5 Basic Spiritual Tools To Grow Your Faith

By Lisa Campbell

Faith is nurtured when its foundations are strong. It blossoms and brings incredible meaning and benefits to your life. You need to identify the fundamental spiritual tools that will help your faith to grow. These pillars anchor your transformation into a strong spiritual being that has great respect for life.

Read the Word of God to know what He wants. Christians are required to live according to the dictates of the Scripture. The word can be found in the bible and other books that are prepared by persons who have been commissioned like apostles and pastors. The word addresses different elements of life and keep you grounded.

Pray persistently and over every issue. Prayer is the fuel that keeps every Christian alive. When you are losing your belief, it is prayer that will strengthen you. When you have achieved the things you prayed for, you kneel down in thanks giving. Fasting is also a part of prayer. It helps you focus and therefore achieve that which you have targeted in your spiritual journey.

There is power in praise and worship. In fact, Christians are commanded to Worship God in Spirit and truth. This means that even as you sing the beautiful songs, you must remember to act in accordance to the Scripture. Failure to live the words of worship means that your singing turns you into an empty vessel.

Sharing your spirituality in a community of fellow believers will help you grow. Your spirit benefits a lot when you share the word with other people. It is an opportunity to explore other perspectives that might not be understood when you are reading His word alone. Through sharing, you understand different manifestations of God. You will have a broader understanding of almighty God and his deeds.

Serve other people in your community. There are people who need to hear the message of Christ. These people are waiting to hear this message through your testimonies and actions. Be ready to go out and spread the word. You should also manifest your spirituality through acts of charity. God also uses people in need to communicate His desires and purpose in life. Unless you can serve the people you live with, you will not be exercising the call of Christianity.

Slow down and reflect on your life and the presence of God in it. People ignore the good deeds of God because they assume it is normal. Though you are yet to receive that which you prayed for, there is a lot more that you have already received. Thank God for it. Stop the arrogance and disgruntled feeling. If you can reflect on how good God has been to you, gratitude will flow from your heart and your faith fill increase.

Spirituality is a journey that requires constant refueling. Join a center that shares on spirituality. Engage a trusted man of God who will guide you in the journey. Be ready to take directions and actions that will change your life. By forming and joining a community, your faith will be strengthened.

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