How To Know You Have Anger Management Problems

By Deborah Butler

Humans laugh, smile, cry and even get angry. Those are natural emotions that a normal human being feels. Likewise, people would really say that to you so that you can let your raw emotions out. Cry if you feel sad. Smile or laugh whenever you feel happy. Be angry if it frustrates you. On the last part, too much of anger can sometimes lead you to bad consequences. Not only you might physically or emotionally hurt people with that emotion, you might also became lost and uncontrollable. When that occurs, an anger management counseling Seattle is needed.

Whenever your best friend who you trusted most suddenly betrays you, you would really feel pain and some intense emotion from your heart. The loud palpitation might make you deaf after knowing her betrayal and your blood might began to boil as your fury is about to burst. That feeling is certainly anger. Anyone can actually feel that emotion too. And basically that is normal. However, it might not be label as normal anymore when it harms someone.

Let us have an example of situation. Hayley caught her sister, Lily, using her cell phone without asking permission. She was afraid that Lily will read her secret messages to her boyfriend. But Lily was stubborn and will not return it to her. As a result, Hayley became angry. In that situation, put yourself unto the shoes of Hayley. What will you do?

So in that situation, Sheba suddenly went to Jenna and began grabbing her hair and punch her while yelling some insults about her. That certainly describes a serious problem. However, some normal beings do that when they cannot hold it anymore. So what are the actual signs and symptoms to consider that a person is indeed some having some problems or issues?

The most common one is expressing themselves like almost all the time in a livid manner. These people could find it hard to be calmer at expressing their emotions. When you met a person like that who keep on giving angry looks to many people and could not hold it, her or she had that problem.

Another one is their aggression. In that situation, Corrine immediately resorted to physical violence and that is typical to those individuals having this issue. Whenever they became mad, violence is the key to express it. Their aggression would even become worse once that person is in drugs or alcohol.

Those individuals having that kind of problem will have difficulty in their social relationship. Nevertheless, it still can be mended. In addition, venting out is not also the good solution since it can only add fuel to the fire. There are actually therapies which could help a person in that case.

The best way for that is to seek some medical and professional advice. They can take Anger Management Therapy. This therapy can be an individual or group counselling. Counsellors will help you on how to manage your anger by guiding you on controlling your impulse, giving you some relaxation and breathing strategies and also teach you some self-awareness.

Whenever you know someone or perhaps you, yourself, are also suffering, seek a professional help. Willingness is also needed. That way, you would know how to deal anger.

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