The Benefits Of EMDR And Trauma Therapy

By Rebecca Perry

PTSD can be a crippling condition. It is a taxing and exacting disorder in itself that brings many other maladies down its trail, such as depression. Therefore, its imperative to treat it as soon as it evinces itself, through emdr and trauma therapy frederick md.

Post traumatic stress disorder is a multi faceted mental condition with just as multifaceted outcomes and causes. Certain events like war, interpersonal trauma, natural disasters, and related events can actuate to it. Even seemingly negligible triggers can cause it, especially in a person whose psychological makeup is already gossamer thin or perhaps has a family history of mental disorders.

That might also serve to illustrate the difficulty in addressing and curing this kind of condition. EMDR therapy, however, seems tailor fitted to treat this trauma since it is zeroed in on adaptive information processing. This aforementioned model works to create new associations linked to the traumatic memories. It contrives new insights and perspectives about a traumatic memory through adaptive memories of information, which would actuate to a reduction in emotional stress.

EMDR therapy is holistic in that it integrates information on three levels, all the way from the cognitive to the emotional and the somatic. In brief, sequential sets, the therapist asks you to remember your traumatic thoughts will guiding you to focus on some external stimulus. Therefore, it allows you to process these past experiences while grounding you to the present because of the external stimuli.

Yet again, people are differently built up, especially where the mental aspect is concerned. This may be because we inherently have different thoughts, experiences, aspirations, and some such, and some people have had a whole load of negativities where those are concerned. Its a no brainer, but a mortal person can only take so much drawbacks and negativity.

More specifically, and before anything else, theres a history taking session, which enable the therapist to gain insights into the afflictions suffered by the person. Phase two is all about preparation, enabling the two to work together in dealing with the distress. After these, they may then proceed with the procedure outlined above.

The client is asked to form a vivid visual image of the traumatic memory, reiterate a negative belief about oneself, and then exact some sort of emotion or body sensation. Little by little, these negative self perceptions are overturned. Patients are asked to keep a log after that, getting themselves in check with journaling activities. After the week, doctor and patient meet again to benchmark their progress.

EMDR is preferred by the greater subset of PTSD sufferers over prescription medications, since it has less significant side effects and, indeed, precludes dependence and addiction. There are still caveats to keep in mind where this is concerned, though. One is that it causes a heightened sense of awareness and imagery even after the session. This supposedly actuate to vivid realistic dreams that may force the patient to relive the traumatic memories outside the comfort of the session room.

The best thing about EMDR is that it enables the patient to collate his whole experience to make it full circle. It integrates the past through delving into the events and that created the trauma, with the present, which enables therapist and client to pinpoint the present triggers. Also, the future is taken into account, in that the attitudes and techniques are considered, that which would actuate to progress and positive change.

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