When To Consider Couples Counseling Pasadena

By Carolyn Scott

Couples counseling is a choice. But often, it is a very good choice that two people can make. When you find that you are not getting on, you may be arguing about the small things in life or you feel that you just want to ignore one another, then couples counseling Pasadena can be the answer.

Often, it goes much deeper than simply a problem you have with your partner. There can be underlying issues that you need to deal with as an individual. For example, there are people who have been through abuse as a child. One may need to find ways of coping with this by reaching out to a trauma counselor before you cope with your relationship.

Communication is one of the biggest reasons why people have problems within their relationships. It can be easy to get along initially. However, as you get to know one another, you find out more about one another and their imperfections. You don't always notice your flaws. Often, you want to change your partner without realizing your own faults. It requires that you need to discover more about yourself.

This often happens in the case of infidelity. When this has been broken, there are many emotions that come to the surface. It relates to both parties. There is much shame, blame, guilt and learning to live with the consequences. It may lead to a divorce. However, even if this is the case, the couple needs to talk this through before doing so. It will lead to a sense of closure.

Kids will grow up with a lot of unhappy memories when they are exposed to this type of an environment. Even when parents decide to separate, it is important that children seek therapy so that they know what is happening. Children automatically think that this is their fault and they are held responsible. One needs to make sure kids understand what is happening.

There are things that you have to admit to. It will make you more compassionate towards one another because you can understand why your partner is acting in a certain way. They may lack intimacy in some areas and this can be due to the fact that they were abused, for example. In a case like this, individual counseling is required as well. Other emotions and disorders will come to the surface, such as depression and anxiety.

When there are children involved, it becomes more tricky. Parents may move further apart because they tend to focus on the kids. It can be that a child has developed a disability or a learning disorder. Often, teenagers become rebellious. Parents want to focus on the child or the teen. It means that they don't spend enough time together as a couple. This is something to bring up.

Family counseling may also be something that is worth thinking about. Kids will especially be affected when a parent becomes depressed or when they begin to turn to alcohol, for example. As this progresses, it can lead to emotional abuse. A child will naturally think that this is their fault, and one needs to deal with the situation immediately.

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