What You Need To Know About Undergoing Remote Reiki Healing

By Dennis Morris

Aside from the many health perks that it's known to offer, another amazing thing about reiki is that it can be performed from a distance. This means that you and the certified healer need not be in the same room. Such offers sheer convenience especially among individuals who do not have physical access to certified healers or are suffering from physical injuries that keep them from leaving their homes. If you are planning on giving remote reiki healing a try, keep on reading. Below are some of the most important things you need to know about such approach.

Choose a position that you find really comfortable. It's entirely up to you if you want to be reclined or completely lying on your back. Just see to it that you can remain in such position until the entire session is over. Check that you feel comfortable no matter if you want to be in bed or on the floor or a reclining chair.

Opt for loose fitting clothes. Unlike during a full body massage, there is no need for you to be naked. However in some situations a patient like you needs to be undressed if the certified healer is also a massage therapist. Since the session is carried out remotely, removing your clothes is unnecessary. However, see to it that your clothes are very comfortable. Loose fitting ones that won't keep you from attaining complete relaxation are highly recommended.

Devote an hour of your time. A session usually lasts up to an hour. However, at times it may be 90 minutes long. Whether the treatment will last for 60 or 90 minutes, ensure that you fully commit your time and energy to the healing session.

Talking is unnecessary. Especially if you hate doing small talk, you'll be happy to know that opening one's mouth is not a requirement during a treatment. Such allows you to devote 100 percent of your attention to your self and feelings. Even if the session is carried out with the certified healer in the room, talking is usually not part of the treatment.

Feel free to play soothing music. To help you relax completely, it's perfectly fine for you to play music in the background. See to it that it's the kind that promotes utmost relaxation. Instrumental ones are perfect for the job. Relaxing nature sounds are definitely wonderful alternatives to calming songs.

Snoozing is fine. It's completely normal for a person who is undergoing healing to fall asleep. Such is a testament that the treatment is actually working. So if during the session you feel like getting some shut eye, don't fight off the urge. Falling asleep will still allow you to obtain the full range of benefits.

Snacking an hour earlier is recommended. Avoid having a heavy meal right before a treatment session begins. Definitely, you will fail to attain utmost relaxation if your tummy is aching. Have a light snack about an hour beforehand. Caffeinated beverages and foods that are greasy, fatty and sugary should be avoided.

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