The Significance Of Sliding Scale Counseling

By Angela Cole

A greater than average percentage of people suffer from depression and other debilitating mental illnesses. Medical attention is evidently imperative for these suffering individuals. However, these conditions are usually deemphasized by society. And even those afflicted tent to downplay their situation. It goes without saying that expenses are also the nub of the matter. To solve this quandary, at least, sliding scale counseling santa rosa ca should be a general topic of deliberation, for informations sake.

Psychological and mental diseases are extremely serious conditions. When a person goes through them, there must be that niggling persuasion at the back of their minds that they need to see a professional. Thats must be how severe and weighty their condition is.

After all, therapists still need the quintessential dough to get by in life. Some may have entered this career path nobly aiming to heal diseases and better the quality of life. But there are also others who look no further than earning almighty dollars. As it is, the medical profession is among the most lucrative professions ever contrived by man, and patients are continually trying to earn their way to avail its benefits.

This is evidently not how it works, though. In fact, forgoing this necessary step proves to be extremely detrimental to their health, and leads to such undesirable outcomes. Its such a mistake to forgo this step because, as it is, medicine is not some ancillary, luxurious, extraneous adjunct but a critically important service, without which people would suffer a considerable backtrack in their quality of life if it was nonexistent.

And therein lies the irony. Those who are financially downtrodden are correspondingly those living more stressed out and depressed lives. Theyre the ones statistically highly likely to suffer from mental disorders and need therapy.

The financially stonewalled are those that dont have the time and means to prepare for future impending concerns. Theyre too busy to get by day to day, and glean all the all important everyday necessities to actually think about things and actualities that are still yet to happen.

Its quite unfortunate that the system is out to fail them. Theyre the ones that need a very quintessential service in the form of therapy, and yet its denied them because of valid and practical considerations. This is why healthcare professionals have devised of a way to help them out of this imbroglio.

A sliding scale is a kind of paying structure or system that enables patients to pay only what theyre capable of. Payments will be based on their annual household income. In laymans term, those comparatively well off are set to pay the standard market price, while those who are relatively crimped are given discounted rates in gradations. That will depend on an individually tailored pricing chart set by the specific company. For example, if a client is earning less than forty five thousand dollars annually, he is set to pay fifty dollars per session, while someone who is earning more than a hundred and eleven thousand and above pay a hundred and twenty dollars per session.

This system has its drawbacks. But on the brighter side of things, it eases the burden on low income individuals, who can now avail the service that used to have costs so astronomical that they choose to bypass it. It can also be very beneficial for practitioners since it tends to bring in more clients. It allows a greater scope of the people they can heal and help, and it may also bring in more earnings and revenue. Its a win win situation.

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