Order Of Service For Most Christian Churches In Las Vegas

By Raymond Stone

Every meeting usually follows some strict orders and this is not different in churches. However, while secular meetings follow the rules very strictly, it is not usually so in the church because the Holy Spirit is also allowed to lead the service. From the opening prayer to the benediction, the items between them are introduced so that the congregation can be blessed. Most Christian churches in Las Vegas follow the same order as discussed here.

Starting with an opening prayer is good although this might come after the procession in some churches. This is necessary to invite God into the church. The warden, the priests and every other instrument the Lord will use all join in the procession. However, the procession does not mean that the people who joined are more superior to others.

By the end of the procession, the Bible is read from the old and New Testaments by those who have been told earlier about the portions they are going to read. The church does not expect any kind of interpretation now until the priest comes up later to preach. In addition to whatever passages the priest may use as his texts during the sermon, he may also include the passages that were read earlier in the lessons.

The band starts their own business after the lessons have been read. They lead the congregation in singing praise and worship songs to the Maker. Usually, some of their songs for every Sunday are predetermined during weekly meetings before the Sunday so as to suit the type of service. However, even after the selection sometimes, they allow God to move by receiving fresh inspiration from Him.

The message comes from the priest or anyone he approved before the service. This can take 30 minutes and above because it is perceived to be the most important moment in every church meeting. Different Bible passages are read so members are advised to come with writing materials. An altar call is usually made at the end of the message.

The offerings are collected after the message. Offering time is regulated by the band whose job it is to spur the congregation to give. People are allowed to dance all the way to the altar where the offering box may be placed. Several offerings are collected and the members are expected to give according to how the Lord has blessed them.

Announcements are given thereafter. During the announcements, the priest or moderator recognizes those who are worshipping with the church for the first time. A special welcome song is rendered and the newcomers are asked to meet the follow-up or welfare coordinator for further briefing.

After everything, the recession comes last. Just like the procession, a recessional hymn is taken. The members of the church may know the hymn if it is a popular one but in case it isn't, they will be told where to find it in the hymn book the church uses. The priest then releases his last blessing after which the members begin to disperse if they have no other meeting or business to attend to.

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