Lucid Dream Walk Through That Really Works

By Patrick Cook

1 The one thing that is a little bit difficult to fully grasp if you are new to this sort of thing is that you are doing something that is distinctly different from controlling your dreams. When you find a good lucid dream walk through, you will be doing something that is different because rather than specifically trying to give yourself incredibly superpowers, enact your deepest personal fantasies, and go to your favorite otherworldly places, you are merely just trying to gain awareness that what is happening is all inside your head.

One thing that is quite easy to do and you can do it any time throughout the day is simply to look at your watch or whatever other way that you tell time. The upshot of doing this is that you won't have to work as hard to question your reality, as all it takes is a quick and simple hand motion usually. The thing about being in a dream is that numbers often won't match up if you look at them more than once, and that makes it a great way to make yourself lucid.

Asking yourself if you are actually dreaming while you are going throughout your day is a mental habit that can be built up to your great advantage if you want to have more awareness in your dreams. By doing this regularly, you will eventually get your mind to naturally ask yourself the same question while you are actually in your dreams. Once your mind realizes the answer to that question, the opportunities are practically boundless.

Keeping a journal of all your dreams is very helpful. That way, you will be able to see the events with clarity. Picking out key details makes it easier to gain lucidity in the dreams.

Many people try to experience wake-initiated lucidity in their dreaming, but few are actually able to achieve it. This is because it requires a very high level of control over your own mind. Otherwise, you couldn't possibly hope to relax enough to enter your dreams without falling asleep first.

People experience this type of thing very commonly when they are already dreaming. All it takes is the right kind of stimulus to suddenly make you aware of the reality of the situation. Once you finally do, it just gets easier and easier.

When you are going to bed, it can be quite helpful to make some kind of affirmative statement. This means saying something like, "I'm going to be aware that I'm dreaming, " before you lay down. Saying it aloud certainly helps a lot.

Many don't even realize how complex their own hands are. When you stare at them for long enough, you will start to see more and more details. When you do it in your dreams, things will appear strange and distorted.

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