Understanding Law Of Attraction And Being In Control

By Jeffrey Thompson

Even greater is that living is by far the most extraordinary thing a person can do while existence itself is a cage that sucks the souls and beat a person down. But life is full of paradox, because it is a paradox in an of itself. One the one hand, there are puppies, and other hand, there are humans. So it is a mixed bag. One of the greatest lies and fundamental truth to living is that a person is in control. There is only so much control that can be exerted on the world, and yet at the same time, without that exertion, nothing would ever get done. It is a roller coaster, in essence. Like any good roller coaster, there are twists and turns and loops and ups and downs. Understanding Law of Attraction can make that roller coaster a little more predictable, or at least give someone an idea of what comes next.

There is one secret that everyone can see but many people will not acknowledge. That secret is that the universe and everything therein are constantly vibrating. That vibration affects everything and shapes reality.

The Law of Attraction is invisible. It works in ways that most people will never understand or comprehend. But it is a constant force that touches all lives to one degree or another.

In the simplest terms possible, the law works like this, like attracts like. Positive thoughts and vibes will reap positive rewards. Conversely, negative thoughts and vibes will reap negative consequences.

Good vibes will attract good vibes. Being positive will bring positive things. Doing so will bring a measure of control to what can seem like an uncaring reality.

Here is the thing about success. The mindset has to be right. When a person has the right mindset, when they put it out in the universe that they are going to succeed, the universe will respond and give them the opportunity to do so.

Optimism is the great key to success. When mixed with hard work, a person can be unstoppable in their field. The scientific explanation is that an optimist is more likely do things out of the norm, and the most successful people throughout history have always been those who put a toe or two out of line. Now, being a radical is not necessary to succeeding. What is required is a mind that is fully open to the possibility of success and ready to put the work in to get there.

Take for example a boxer. Instead of seeing their hand raised in victory, they picture themselves taking a solid hook to the jaw and getting knocked out. They then spend so much time avoiding the hook, protecting their jaw that the they fail to defend against the body blow that lands flush on their liver and puts their lights out.

Optimism is all about possibility. A pessimist will look at the world, look at how crap it is and accept it for what it is. But an optimist will look at the crap and wonder how it can be improved upon.

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