Extreme Cluttering Can Affect Social Life

By Christopher Wallace

For those who like to have friends and family over to their home, it is important to create an environment that is comfortable. While having a little disarray is common, there are boundaries that should not be broken. If guests always find themselves waking over objects or has to find a place to sit down, then it is safe to say that the home has become victim to extreme cluttering.

Many people have seen comedies where a person will call themselves cleaning their home by literally sweeping everything under an area rug. What makes this humorous is the fact that a lot of people do this figuratively. From those pesky paper piles to the ever growing email box to clothes that will never be worn again.

One practical approach is to schedule time and use it to complete a particular task. If a person finds there is no time, they need to make a choice or two that will equate to no less than half an hour. Routines that can be sacrificed are online window shopping, talking on the phone, or watching repeat television shows.

Even if a person in charge is exceptionally brilliant or is very popular, this visual eyesore can be seen as a personal weakness. It also says a lot about their ability to organize and create some sort of structure within a space they own. The great thing about reducing clutter is that a lot can be accomplished in little time and some planning.

Some people do their quick cleanups by just placing things inside a box or drawer. This may work for a minute but eventually, it will become frustrating when small objects become hard to find. However, when it comes to storing seasonal items, a large, secure box that fits easily into a closet or other enclosed space, is a good idea.

Truthfully speaking, the time spent looking around could have been avoided if the other sewing machines were repaired or given away to someone in need. If a person sews as part of a job, it helps to have a second machine or serger as a backup. However, the hobbyist that is struggling for space must make a choice by choosing the one that will be the most functional.

The same applies to kitchen accessories and supplies, hardware tools, and other items that tend to take up space but may have some sentiment attached. Most people find that separating these items and placing in separate storage is the best solution. Since every situation is different, it may be wise to assess space and what a person can afford so that these items are not lost or destroyed.

Another way to take the dread out of cleaning is to have others join in. This should be done with goals in mind and it may help to have a favorite playlist going in the background. Once the job has been completed, friends and others who helped out can be rewarded by the host with delivered food, gift cards, or something they can truly appreciate.

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