Getting To Know How To Find My Purpose In Life

By Margaret Reynolds

There are many people who go to their office cubicle everyday, and this is their life. One hardly thinks that this is their purpose. Many people are skeptical saying this is not something that you can fulfil. But there is something that everyone can do just by reaching your dreams, being there for others and using your gifts and talents. Many people ask how to find my purpose in life at some point.

If there is no purpose, then you will find that there is no way that you are able to stay motivated. You will just want to get up everyday to pay the bills. This will probably motivate somewhat to head off to work. So many people join the rat race and stay in their little office cubicles for many hours of the day. They end up looking forward to the weekend.

This can be very sad because you have no goals and no passions. You may simply watch television on the weekends. This is hardly something to look forward to. When you have retired, you will look back and find that you have simply pushed paper around. You have managed to support yourself and your family, but you have not got anything out of life.

At the end of the day, working with the rest of the rat race, you will be tired and you will still find that you may have to prepare for the next day. Children often don't give you pleasure in a case like this because of the exhaustion that your are trying to cope with. This is why it is important to know how to fulfil yourself in the best way possible.

At the end of the day, you should feel a sense of fulfilment. You should be able to talk about how you had enjoyed your day, the people you interacted with and how you are going to enjoy the next day in the same way. You need to be passionate about this to the extent that you may have to sacrifice something in your life. It can come at a cost, but it can be worth it.

Ask yourself what makes you feel better about yourself and how you will feel waking up facing the day when you have something to look forward to. There is nothing worse than waking up to go to a job that you don't enjoy. This is most of your life. Sitting in your office cubicle everyday and hating every minute of it is really not worth it.

When you are talking about your purpose, it should be something so strong, that you agree to sacrifice something. This shouldn't tear your life apart, but it should help you get a better idea of how willing you are to go for gold. Some women are so determined to have a particular type of career that they have to sacrifice having children. This is something that not many can manage to do, but if you are passionate about this purpose, it could be the answer.

This is something to think about. You enjoy working with people and spreading your joy, your talent and your gifts. People that receive this get a lot out of this. They look forward to this growth. You develop a relationship with them. You know you have done something helpful and this gives you fulfilment and rewarding feelings.

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