To Take Before Your Move To Next Career Level

By Virginia Foster

Even the most ambitious, goal oriented women hit plateaus in their careers. Some attribute this to the glass ceiling and gender bias. There is a lot of truth to this, but there are some ways you can increase your chances of reaching your business goals that will bypass these hurdles. If you aren't sure how to move to next career level, experts have some good advice and can provide some strategic steps to take on your way up the ladder.

Before you make any moves, you need to take stock of what it is you really want. You might have a great job with a dedicated staff, but dream about stepping up into international business. This might require working abroad or moving into an area that includes international responsibilities. Another woman may have global experience and but really wants to move into a sphere where she is managing a bigger team or crossing over into another division.

When your goal is to move way beyond your current position, you must be cautious about who you talk to. You might think your boss supports your efforts to get ahead, and find out that the idea you may actually leave creates tension between you two. Your supervisor's first thought may be about the inconvenience it will cause her instead of how it will affect your life.

Preparing before you make any moves is always a good idea. You could begin volunteering for assignments that will add to your resume. You might find out whether your community college is offering any classes that would be beneficial to the job you are interested in. You may even be able to work with other divisions within your company while remaining in your current position.

Stepping up the ladder means you have to hold your own with corporate executives and others who will become your professional peers. If you haven't assessed your executive presence yet, it is time for you to do so. One of the best ways to evaluate your communication skills and verbal sharpness is to record yourself. You might tape business oriented questions and record your responses.

Climbing the corporate ladder will be much easier with a sponsor. You need someone to introduce you to people and bring up your name in business situations. If you don't already have someone in mind, who is interested in your career, you may have to target an appropriate person and introduce yourself.

Just because your goals are obvious to you doesn't mean that everyone else knows what they are. You have to let people know what you want and that you are interested in taking on new challenges. You won't get anywhere by hoping someone will understand what you need and volunteer it.

Truly ambitious women have big choices to make. It is essential to create a game plan that targets your goals. It may not be easy, but with a lot of critical thinking, perseverance, and luck you can achieve your goals.

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