Latest Low Cost Leadership Development Ideas

By Jeffrey Price

There is need for leadership today than any other time in history. Integrity, a proactive spirit and dynamism are at an all time low. While organizations provide training opportunities, they seek to develop the skills they need. It is upon you to find low cost leadership development opportunities to boost the knowledge you have already acquired. The set of skills needed today should have a holistic and universal appeal.

Getting a mentor means that you identify, contact and maintain links with an accomplished person with whom you share ideas and experiences. The mentor also guides you on steps to take to achieve whatever you desire. Such a person should be accomplished and held in high regard in his field. Pick one from your department, organization, etc. Consider an outsider as well so that the skills and ideas shared are diverse. You have an opportunity to generate an own cocktail of the best ideas. This makes you a versatile leader.

Have an accountability group. Mentors will direct you on skills and actions to take in order to grow. This is not enough. You need a person or group of people pushing you to achieve set goals within a certain time-line. The accountability team shares resources, encourages you and puts you on toes. When you are most discouraged, the group will support you to work towards set goals. It makes you guilty every time you fail them.

Be friendly and lovable. Leading is all about being trusted with people and resources. This can only happen if you relate well with them. Your seniors watch how you relate with others. They assign leadership roles based on social skills. Befriend your seniors, management, HR and other decision makers. Make sure that your work is noticed without compromising integrity or stepping on your peers.

Volunteer your skills every time you get the chance. Volunteering is an excellent opportunity to meet people. Consider working at the registration desk during a conference. Sit in a committee within your association or organize a day out for executives. Volunteering should aim at exercising your skills. This will fill gaps in your experience and work sections on your resume. The experience gained and contacts collected will prove valuable in future.

Take any lateral and cross function opportunity you come across. Being a leader demands that you manage complex organizational structures and situations. As a marketer, develop interest in social media management. Know what accountants and receptionists do. This gives you a chance to understand the operations of your organization. Such understanding will be crucial once you become a leader.

Focus on personal development as well. The best leader is an all rounded one. This means control over your health, social life, talents, etc. The options available include learning a new language, short courses, exercising, eating a healthy diet, etc. You have greater control over your life and approach situations with enthusiasm. People become more confident in your ability.

Mentor a junior. People who regard you as a role model put pressure on you to achieve and be your best. This is the encouragement and push you require to ensure that you never fail. When a surveillance camera is trained on you, you will always put the best effort to achieve. You will always think twice before taking a step.

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