The Best Sources Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

By Jason Cooper

Food is a basic need just as shelter and clothing. There is need to indulge in a diet that has all the essential nutrients. This includes proteins, vitamins, minerals and starch. The body also needs omega three fatty acids. One will find these from the best sources of omega 3. Foods with this nutrient will help a person in a number of ways. Thus, they should be consumed on a regular basis. What is needed most is a balanced diet. On top of eating right, one should also exercise every day.

Omega 3 foods help to lower inflammation and fight free radicals. These are the biggest causes of diseases. These foods also facilitate the proper functioning of the brain, heart, kidneys and other organs in the human body. They help with hormone production, mood regulation and the maintenance of cell membrane. One needs to find the right foods that have very low amounts of bad cholesterol.

There are plant and animal sources. Some people can eat both plant and animal products. However, there are those who are a hundred percent vegetarian. Such individuals will not want to see meat in front of them. A person who is not a vegetarian can obtain this nutrient from eggs. Eating the egg yolk will help the body in many ways.

There are also nuts and seeds that are rich in this element. One of them is hemp seeds. These also have other nutrients that will help in physical, emotional and mental development of a person. Flax seeds and walnuts are also recommended. These can be used in cooking foods. Alternatively, a person can take them raw. It all depends on personal preferences.

Fish is loaded with plenty of omega three fatty acids. There are varied kinds of fish. Each of them has a unique appearance, smell and taste. Basically, there are fishes harvested from shallow waters such as rivers and lakes and those harvested from the deep sections of the sea. Fish is low in cholesterol. This makes it heart friendly.

Salmon is a good type of fish. It is available in most big cities. This fish is harvested from the deep seas. Some varieties of salmon are available in major lakes and rivers. One should purchase fresh salmon. There are many ways of preparing food. There are healthy and unhealthy cooking methods. Deep frying is not a healthy cooking style.

Cod liver oil is also highly recommended. This is oil that has been harvested from the liver of cod fish. There are many companies that sale products that have this oil. One should find the product of a highly reputable company. Such will be safe to the body and will offer maximum value for money. An affordable product will suffice.

Omega three foods will greatly improve cardiovascular health. This will reduce the chances of heart disease. Actually, heart attack is the number one killer in the world. Such foods also help with brain development especially in young children. A good diet will improve the immunity of a person. This will make one to fall ill less often. It is better to prevent rather than to treat a disease.

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