The Women Empowerment Uganda Females Require

By Stephanie Smith

It is not easy to bare the load of a woman. They have been taken for granted by men throughout the centuries, however, things are changing and will hopefully get better as time goes by. Women have always suffered abuse at the hands of their husbands, especially those from developing countries. Females are degraded and robbed of an education and in these countries and this is a cycle that does not seem to have an end. There should be more programs like the women empowerment Uganda is currently offering their females.

It is females various parts of the world that have to undergo this abuse from men. It is more worse in under developed countries, as females are perceived more as personal slaves to their husbands, than wives and equal partners in the home. This stereotype did not just develop overnight but is the results of centuries and decades of being indoctrinated.

Abuse is rife in many forms. In most places it is physical abuse. However, females also go through mental and emotional abuse, where they are humiliated and degraded. In these developing countries, females as young as twelve years old are married off, irrespective of whether it is legal or not. These children are robbed of their education and even worse, their childhood.

Although people are not aware of it, this abuse of females happens in first world countries as well. They just have a nice way of covering it up. It is also done on a more subtle note and females don't speak out because of embarrassment. They feel that somehow the abuse is partly their faulty, which is a wrong way of thinking.

It is believed that the world is evolving and society is changing for the better. However, in some parts of the world, women are still treated like they were in those primitive days. They are robbed of their education, dignity and self respect. They are humiliated in front of their children, their hearts are broken over and over again. They are torn apart on the inside.

The most astounding thing about females is that irrespective of how badly they are treated and how much abuse they go through, be it emotional, mental or physical abuse, they still rise above their circumstances. No matter how many times they get knocked down, they still rise up, dust themselves off and keep moving. One of the most amazing things is that their children are the motivation behind their resiliency.

Females do have a lot more tolerance than men do. They go through a lot and still have the job of carrying and giving birth to children. There are organizations and empowerment groups rising up all over the world to stop abuse against females and empower them to live a better quality of life.

If you know of females who are going through similar situations you should speak out and notify the proper organizations so they van step in and be of assistance to these females. You never really know if some of these situations are actually life or death matters, until you speak out and get help.

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