The Treatment Tactics Used In Spinal Decompression In Santa Monica

By Darren Martinez

Those suffering from chronic backaches and other problems know how painful and disruptive they get. They affect the movement and resting of the victim leaving them agitated and in pain. This pain increases when left unattended or self diagnosed. Any problem with the back should warrant a visit to a healthcare professional. This can be a doctor or even a chiropractor. These professionals deal with Santa Monica Spinal Decompression to treat patients. Seeking assistance is not an option especially if pain persists or gets worse.

Two methods of spinal decompression therapy are used to relieve pain and repair herniated disks in the spine. This is using surgery or nonsurgical methods. Many prefer nonsurgical methods because they offer minimal invasion into the body. Many people do not like to go for surgery because anything can happen and result to worse conditions or even death. Other alternatives to therapy include physical therapy, exercise, bracing, chiropractor services, acupuncture, steroid injections taking limited rests and using anti inflammatory drugs.

In decompression therapy, motorized therapy is used to stretch the spine in a bid to remove excess pressure. This change of position and force on the spine releases negative pressure that counters the one felt on the disks. The disks resemble cushions of jelly and are located between spinal cord bones. Release of pressure allows movement of not only oxygen but also nutrients and water. This allows healing.

The therapy is commonly used to treat many issues like neck and back pain that causes tingling down the legs. It reverses herniated disks, reverses degenerative disk disease, repairs worn joints and heals spinal root nerves that are injured. Health practitioners accept that there is need to do more research to ensure the safety and efficiency of this procedure.

Each treatment usually lasts around half an hour perhaps a few minutes more. A physician who operates a computer does it. They should be about twenty or more to ensure that they are effective. The duration lasts for more than one month. Some treatments that may be used together with this therapy are use of ultrasounds, electrical stimulation as well as hot and cold therapy. Those not recommended for these procedures are pregnant women and people suffering from tumors, advanced osteoporosis, fractures, abdominal aortic aneurism and anybody with metal implants in their spine.

Surgical methods can also be used to reverse this condition. It is mostly used as the last resort if other measures do not work. It treats ruptured and bulging disks, bony growths and other problems. It relieves pain, numbness, weakness and tingling sensations.

Many surgeries can be done to relieve pressure felt on the spine. These are dependent on the type and seriousness of the condition. Spinal fusion helps to stabilize the cord, diskectomy and laminotomy removes a part of the disk and bone respectively. Other procedures are foraminotomy, corpectomy and osteophyte removal.

There are always risks when it comes to treatment methods like surgery. These include infections, blood clots, bleeding, allergic reactions especially towards anesthesia and nerve damage. To avoid back problems, exercise regularly and watch your health.

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