The Future Is Now

By Evan Sanders

Certainty is really a myth.

This life is all truly uncertain.

You don't need to be scared of uncertainty. In fact, the coming to terms with uncertainty is a pretty powerful moment. When you give up always trying to create your future or escaping your past and truly show up in this moment, you give yourself the opportunity to actually live a life. It's only when you try to move out of the present moment that things can start to get pretty shaky at times.

As exciting as the future can be, you become out of touch with reality and distance yourself from individuals and opportunities that are here right now. There's nothing worse than living in some place that you can't actually go to, and therefore, missing all that is happening in the moment.

That was how I lived my life.

I ran from my past and refused to live in the present moment.

Underneath our desperation for a better life in the future is a desire to really connect with the present. Our heart often aches for it as we don't give it the nourishment it needs from being right "here." There's a fine line between having goals and dreams and giving yourself the opportunity to connect in the here and now. The most important part of balancing these things out is to be creating things that resonate deeply with your heart and not just because they are material goals.

My problem was that I looked at the future as a location where it might all turn out and everything would be alright. Wrong. You need to be okay with what is going on today. When you can really live in the moment and let the uncertainty of the future handle itself, happiness creeps in.

So learn to show up in this moment and bring yourself out from the future.

Uncertainty is the name of the game.

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