A Look Into True Lover Tests

By Sharon Weeks

Everyone has been in a situation where one gets an unexplainable feeling. This is a feeling of excitement or euphoria. This is especially so if you meet and have a chat with that special person that you always think of. Once in a while you may think that she is falling for you but you must keep on questioning this feeling. The true lover tests will help you discern and differentiate between real love and an infatuated feeling.

If you believe that infatuation is a love tester, you might be in an awesome relationship but you still fail to feel the love. The skewed expectations might be taking a rich, warm and deeper relationship from you. To add on, lack of knowing the difference between infatuation and love may lead you to unintentionally connecting to a person never to be your spouse and still conclude naively that you have found love.

The love tests are designed to aid in discerning and distinguishing between true love and infatuation. You can apply the tests in to your current relationship or your expectations on what a love relationship should entail. Get to ask yourself questions on whether your present relationship or your views on relationship are aligned with infatuation or love.

True love should flourish as time goes by. If relationship dwindles as time elapses then that is not love. Mostly a relationship that does not stand the test of time is more of infatuation than love. Therefore one should carefully analyze the trend as time goes by. This test gives a chance to quit when necessary.

The security test. Love that is genuine needs and nurtures a sense of trust and security. A person who is infatuated seems to lack the sense of security, is based upon wishful thinking instead of careful consideration. When one is infatuated, he/she becomes blind to problems. Security is able to flow out of deep knowledge on the character, track record and values of the other person.

The most important thing in any relationship is trust. This gets illustrated by the security levels in a relationship. An individual who always feels insecure at times is just infatuated. This is because in love the partners are intertwined. They naturally feel as one. Their insecurity level is close to zero. Insecurity in a relationship is linked to poor trust level of each other.

Genuine love creates an atmosphere to learn about the other person. All the characteristics and behavior are learnt as the relationship grows. This should be differentiated from infatuation in that it seeks to be all knowing. Infatuation makes one feel that he knows everything about her. This turns out not the case because it requires time and patience to understand the hues and cues of a partner. This gets possible through the conducive environment created by love.

When we know what love is really is, we get to know that challenges will always be there. It is important that you walk through the issues and enjoy every beautiful moment that you share with your partner.

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