Goodbye Resolutions. Hello Change!

By Evan Sanders

The greatest secret of change is to bring yourself into the present moment and to immediately take action.

How can we do this?

I am not talking about the type of change that lasts for just a few months and then we go back to the same stuff we always used to do. No, I am talking about that everlasting change that permits us to move onward with our lives and leave our old ways behind. This is the true change that will last forever. The secret is to commit everything you have in your life to building what you can in the present moment.

If you let your mind wander around in the past you will be stuck forever and if you let it travel into the future too often it will never come back. Both the past and the future can be equally as dangerous in keeping your mind out of the present moment. While it's fun to go there in our minds, we have to reel them back in time after time to be able to act right now.

The journey of change is far from being a straight line. Think about how many people really attempt to make great changes the on the first of January. Statistically, about 92% of those who make New Years Resolutions fail miserably close to the beginning of the year. 92%. The numbers don't lie so there must really be something incredibly broken with that system of goal setting.

So what can you do to make sure that you're successful?

The plan is simple. Ready? Focus on one thing every single day that will improve your life in some way and do that for the rest of your life. Give up trying to change everything all at once - that way of thinking is broken. Think about your best life being created in the same way you would walk up a big mountain. Day after day take step after step. I know this idea isn't incredibly sexy, but it's what works.

Start the journey of change right now, one step at a time.

Don't wait.

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