Womens Spiritual Support Groups Walking With Life

By Amy Stevens

Their body is so made to give birth to young ones. In this process of giving birth they need to pass through various cycles and bodily changes from a particular age from childhood to some middle age called menopause stage, which may be painful and stressful at times. A balanced approach throughout all stages are possible with assistance centre like womens spiritual support groups.

Man and female together make a complete whole. In this divinely ordained union, children are a blessing. Man and female were created equal, both created with intelligence, senses, and abilities. They differ only in the roles they had. The man was to be the provider and protector and the female was to be the mother and the light in the home.

She lays pathway to children to pass through in moral and ethical manner. She gives moral support whenever needed to family members. One plays all the roles in a family as wife, as a teacher to her children who leads them to success in their lives as a helper to older people etc. She looks after the whole family and their well being.

Even in this twentieth century we have witnessed the stress that take place in royal families. Stress originated from Indian and Oriental cultures. The alliance is usually brought about by a third party, the matchmaker who makes a living out of it.

This creates in them a strong obligation to remain faithful to one another. In India astrology plays a major role in the determination of a prospective partner. The horoscopes of the boy and girl have to be a match. Various factors like the time of birth, the star at birth are checked and the go ahead given.

Circumstances can be challenging at every phase of life. As a spinster being a girl and as a bachelor being a boy, things vary from one human being to another. Duties vary from a given point to another phase of life. Individuals must gain strength in order to face the worst and gain the best. Its not only during worst times, people should stay strong but also during good times stay stable.

Today the services of the matchmaker are not very necessary because of the matrimonial sites that advertise for partners. The sites are full of brief descriptions about the boy or girl, their educational status and the one that they are seeking. Fair, beautiful, tall, highly educated, working girls are in great demand. Boy should be with a substantial salary, better so if he is abroad.

There is great advantage in allowing our parents to choose our partners for us. They often know us better than we know ourselves because children are certainly chips of the older blocks. In their search for a partner they will take into consideration the compatibility of natures that should exist between their son and the girl that will come into his life.

Girls are deprived from many social customs and traditions. They have to undergo a lot more troubles than a man in a society. Situations can be tedious one who is struggling in their lives. Therefore few societies come forward in the form of assistance mentally and physically. In fact truly speaking females are the creators of the mankind. Every human being comes out of mothers womb in to this world.

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